What A Bombshell!

Start from the beginning

I noticed they bent down talking to someone, then that someone stood up, Brent! he took one look at me and his jaw hit the floor as he raked his eyes over me, god do I look that bad, now my nerves were getting the better of me.

Before I could dash back out the door and keep running god knows where, a smooth voice whispered in my ear.

" Chrissie I have never in my whole life seen anything.."

This is it I thought tell me how bad I look.

"So absolutely stunningly gorgeous as you look now"

What! Is he mad.

He laughed softly, sending a shiver down my spine.

"No I'm not mad, you are by far the most beautiful woman in this room, probably the whole world"

Shit I had said that out loud and why is he trying to butter me up?

He held me at arms length and eyed me up and down and I couldn't help but return the complement, Brent looked beyond handsome, his suit took his sexy body and trebled the drool factor, I could feel the lust emanating from my eyes, if I had to get down and get dirty with someone he was by far top of my list.

Looking up to his face his tongue licking his bottom lip and his hungry lust filled eyes undressing me where I stood, talk about heated passion, we must be near combustion point as we stood staring at each other.

Suddenly a female voice that I recognised as Claudia's yelled.

"For God sake kiss her" and Brent being Brent didn't need telling twice as he swooped in and pulled me into his arms making me gasp and that was the last piece of encouragement he needed as he devoured my lips, man could he kiss, this was a raw animalistic kiss that ripped through my body like a tsunami, making it respond in very intimate ways.

The more the kiss deepened the more I melted, I'm sure if he let me go I would melt into the floor like the wicked witch from the wizard of Oz.

And the thing was I was kissing him back, he had broken my resolve to not fall for him by responding to him and now my body had overthrown my brain and taken control, I knew I was in deep trouble.

As my mind returned from fantasy land I could hear cheering and suddenly it registered with my brain which was now back in command, that I was stood in the middle of a restaurant surrounded by extremely wealth people making out with a handsome actor.

I immediately pulled back from the kiss and bowed my head in shame of being caught, blushing profusely.

Brent chuckled so I elbowed him and this only made him laugh more.

"Come on" I muttered pulling him by his arm towards the table.

Still laughing he trailed behind me, as we reached the table Claudia slapped me on the back and shouted in my ear.

"Way to go girl, mark your territory" this only make me blush more as I tried to smile, but I'm sure it was more of a grimace.

Pulling a chair out Brent sat me between his sister's, probably to keep an eye on me, as he sat opposite, he then started the introductions moving round the table.

Next to him sat Phillipa then her mother and father, her brother Austin, next was Destiny then me and Claudia, next to her Brent's mother and finally his father.

They all acknowledged me some with more enthusiasm than others, the parents on both sides however were probably willing me dead, the surprise was Phillipa who smiled a genuine smile and asked how I liked America.

To say she was beautiful was an understatement, she was a hundred times better looking than me, so I couldn't understand why Brent didn't want to marry her.

Then the dinner commenced a large bowl of some sort of soup was placed in front of me and I could feel my stomach start to rumble, so I quickly place a hand on it to quieten it down.

I then surveyed the cutlery, I didn't own the amount of cutlery placed in front of me let alone know what to do with it.

"I'm sorry dear, I forgot that a girl like you won't know how to use all this cutlery, so if you like just use the same knife, fork and spoon"

So it's starting then, I needed to step up my game.

"Why thank you Mrs Simons, you are quite correct you see us mere mortals use so little cutlery, why you may ask, simple because we the lower classes have to think about saving the planet, whilst the rich decadent lifestyle of the upper classes try with all their might to destroy it.
We look at saving water and not destroying the earth looking for metals, we cut down on the harmful washing up detergents that kill the fish. So thank you for helping me save the planet"

And with that I picked up a spoon and started on my soup.

"Wow" said Destiny in awe. "I never thought of it like that" and on that note she gathered up all her cutlery apart from one spoon, knife and fork and plonked the rest in the middle of the table.

Then Claudia followed suit, then Brent and Austin and surprise, surprise Phillipa all disposed of their excess cutlery.

I sneaked a look at both sets of parents, needless to say they didn't lose any of their cutlery, but did throw me more death glares.

After we had finished the main course and were waiting for the sweet trolley, I was in deep conversation with Destiny, when her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes widened and she let out a gasp, looking round the table everybody else was mimicking Destiny's look, except Brent who wasn't there and they were all staring behind me, I had a bad feeling about this.

Reluctantly I turned round in my seat and came face to face with Brent's chest, lifting my eyes upwards I noticed a gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face, then his hands came up to my face where upon he opened a small red velvet box and displayed a beautiful diamond ring to me, before dropping down on one knee.

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