Spencer Boldman Imagine

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You laid on the couch as you were texting your friend Olivia, when suddenly the door opened. Taking a break from the phone, you lifted your head up to find your lovely husband, Spencer, to come home.

"Spencer! I missed you! How was working at the set?" you asked.

"Hey babydoll, I've missed you too. It was alright, just another day. I'm glad I'm home with you right now though, and that cutie over there!" He said while pointing to you dog who was half-asleep near the fireplace.

You were so distraught by Spencer's beautifulness, you had totally forgotten about your best friend Olivia, who had been sending you several texts.

Y/N: LOL I'm sorry babe, Spencer just came in. You know how that goes (;

Olivia: Of course I do (; I guess you don't wanna here from me now..

Y/N: No keep texting, I just might forget to reply..

Olivia: Lol, I'm gonna go.

Y/N: Come over tomorrow morning! We all eat together!

Olivia: I'll be there! bye

You put your phone down and looked up to see an empty living room.

"Spence?" You called.

"I'm in the kitchen babe!" He answered. As you walked into the kitchen, you saw Spencer making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You looked at him with a confused face.

"What? I hadn't eaten anything today." He said with a chuckle.

"Haha, I would of made dinner for you if you had asked baby." You said as you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Aww, love, it's alright. I just want you to relax." He kissed your cheek while putting peanut butter on your nose. His touch warmed your whole body. He grabbed your neck and began leaving delicate kisses all around your face. Leaving the food behind, he picked you up and walked to the bed, still kissing you.

"Babe.." You said. You unbuttoned his shirt which revealed some sexy abs. You ran your hand down his chest, admiring everything about him. You took over and began to take off the rest of your clothes leaving you with only your bra and underwear. Stunned at how beautiful you are, your hubby left a trail of kisses up and down your body.

"Wait.." Spencer paused abruptly. He put his hand over your mouth hinting for you to listen. Then suddenly you heard a rumble from a certain someone's stomach.

"Oh my goodness Spencer." You whispered. He ran to get his sandwich and some goldfish, then came back next to you to eat it all. You couldn't help but laugh. He held out the sandwich to give you a bite."

"Wow Spence.." You said, but you weren't gonna turn down the sandwich. Food is food.

"Want some goldfish too?"

You opened your mouth to catch the goldfish, but sure enough Spencer missed your mouth and the goldfish landed in your bra. You both couldn't stop laughing.

"I'll get that for you hot stuff!" He said as he unclasped the back of your bra and revealed your chest. He picked up the goldfish and ate it.

"BAHAHAHA what is happening?" You ask.

"I don't know, but I'm glad I'm with you. I love you Y/N." Spencer says.

"I love you too Spence." He picked you up and twirled you around.

"Together forever." He shouted.

"Together forever.",

1D & More Preferences/Imagines!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora