6: How He Gets You To Wake Up

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Louis: You're always sleeping, so to wake you up, he'll tap you lightly. He does that for a few times and when that doesn't work, he'll climb on top of you and sit there until you wake up.

Niall: You both love food, so when you are still sleeping he will just sit and eat right in front of you. Everytime you want some food but don't get up, he'll shove more in his mouth everytime.

Harry: He'll be super sweet and sing you your favorite song.

Liam: Liam will be very gentle and give you a little shove, but you'll never wake up. Then he goes to drastic measures and tickles you until you walk out of bed.

Zayn: Him waking you up? You're usually up before him! (':

*Corny huh? I'm hoping on doing an imagine today. You guys have to give me requests cause I'm running out of ideas! 

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