Liam Imagine For Christine

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This one's for you homedawgggggg

You woke up this morning with the sun shining on your face. You stood up and smiled while you stretched out your arms in the midst of you waking up. Today was extra special because it was your birthday! Although you've experienced birthdays several times before, you felt like this day was going to be magical. Your boyfriend Liam hopefully had plans for you since he left you this note on your forehead:

Hey babe! I have a supppprrriiisssee for someone special! Guess who?

He is so cute. He even left you another message just in case you didn't know who.

It's you, if you didn't guess babe! Lol haha, come downstairs! I hope I make this the best day ever!

You hurry up and put some sweatpants on since all you had on was a t-shirt. As you walked downstairs, you smelt a sweet aroma of eggs, bacon, and something else you couldn't pick out.

"Good morning Christine!" Liam shouts. "You look beautiful! Happy Birthday!" He picks you up and twirls you around while singing happy birthday. He also pulls out some plates of food behind him, and on your plate there is a little cupcake, with a lit candle on top. You smile with joy.

"Li," you reply. "It's beautiful." Your eyes start to tear up.

"So you do like it! Here babe, let's eat. We've got lots of plans for today." Liam says, while motioning you to sit down in the chair.

"We do, don't we. What kind of plans Leeyum?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait Christine!" Liam stuffs his face with eggs and bacon.

"Stop teasing me Li! Baby, I'm gonna change into some birthday clothes." As you walk up the stairs' you turn around to see Liam with a smirk on his face. "Not that kind of birthday clothes Liam!" you shout while laughing.

You didn't want to keep him waiting, so you slipped on your prettiest dress and quickly put on some makeup. You didn't need to take long on your makeup because you finally trusted Liam when he said he loves you, "and all your little your little things". When you finished, you walked downstairs to the garage to find Liam ready to leave.

"Hurry up Christine! I don't want us to be late!" Liam exclaims. Now you were really anxious to find out where you were going.

"How long is it going to take baby?" you groan.

"I told you. Just wait!" Fortunately, it didn't take as long as you thought. As Liam parks the car, you look up to see the sign on the building.

"Baby, don't you like it! It's a spa! And this is only the first of our plans." he says, smiling. Liam always knows what can make you happy.

- - -

It took you 2 hours to get a massage, plus and Mani-pedi. It was about three in the afternoon when you both left and you were starting to get sleepy. You didn't want to show that you were, because you knew Liam had another place to take you, but you couldn't help but to fall asleep once you got in the car.

"Christine, Christine!" Liam says, while shaking you. "You awake? I'm not done taking you places!"

"Li, I'm sorry. It's just that I'm a bit sleepy." you reply.

"Here, I'll take you to my mom's flat. You can sleep there baby." Liam gives you a quick peck on the cheek.

The car ride over wasn't long. Once you got to the house, you said hello to Liam's family, and then ran over to Liam's bed to lay down. Liam decided to cuddle up with you.

"Babe, I hope you liked your birthday so far. I'm sorry your tired." he says softly.

"It's been amazing so far. And there's nothing to be sorry for, besides, I'm with you, so nothing could go wrong." you tell him. He smiles like he never smiled before.

Liam decides to snuggle up closer to you, to where you are inches away from his face. He starts with your forehead, then all over your cheeks giving you soft kisses. Your lips smash onto his and kiss with passion. Even though you were tired, it felt like your lips were having a fun time exploring his, so you kept going.

You climb on top of him and your tongues decide to join the fun. As your tongues dance, you unbutton his shirt and pull it off. You take a break from his mouth and kiss every part of his chest. His six pack blocks your view as you start to unbuckle his pants. Once you get them off, you realize Liam has already taken off your dress. You pause for a second to put your head on his chest.

"Liam, I just want you to know I love you." you tell him.

"I love you too Christine. I always will." he replies. You smile, as you close your eyes and sleep.


"Babe, wake up! This is the last place I'm going to take you!" Liam shouts as he gently picks you up. You rub your eyes and slip on your dress.

"Hurry Christine!" Liam says, as carrying you bridal style to the car. He sets you in and immediatley starts to drive. Again, the ride wasn't long, because this time the mystery place was your house. You stared at him with confusion as you got out of the car. You walk up to the door and turn the key to unlock the door.

"SUPRISE!" Everyone shouts. And I mean everyone. Your friends, family, the boys, Liam invited everyone you loved. You automatically start to cry. Liam pulls out a huge birthday cake with tons of candles and if you look in the back, there's a drawing of you and Liam together.

"Leeyum." you couldn't finish your sentence because of all the tears.

"It's okay. I know you love me." he replies. He kisses you on the lips softly. Everyone aww's while you two share your moment.

"Oh Liam, if you didn't know, you did make my day amazing." You give him a wink and shove some cake up his face.

"You little- I'm gonna get you Christine!" Liam yells, while chasing you.

This was an AWKO TACO imagine, but I tried. The end.

God bless everybody!

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