Game plan

24 4 2

I was tagged by justanothercrazy109 x

1st day- 1st 80s movie you watched.
2nd day- 1st 80s actor you fell in love with.
3rd day- Favourite 80s movie.
4th day- Least favourite 80s movie.
5th day- Favourite 80s song.
6th day- Favourite 80s band or artist.
7th day- Favourite 80s style.
8th day- 80s movie you want to live in.
9th day- Least favourite 80s trend.
10th day- Favourite movie quote.
11th day- Least favourite 80s song.
12th day- Least favourite artist or band.
13th day- Favourite 80s actor.
14th day- Favourite 80s actress.
15th day- Favourite photo from the 80s.
16th day- 80s actress you would be.
17th day- 80s actor you would be.
18th day- Most inspiring 80s movie.
19th day- How did you get into the 80s.
20th day- Would you live in the decade.
21st day- What year would you live in.
22nd day- Favourite 80s album.
23rd day- Something you wish was still around
24th day- Records or cassettes.
25th day- Something I would change.
26th day- Haim or Feldman.
27th day- Favourite 80s candy.
28th day- Favourite 80s toy.
29th day- Favourite under appreciated person.
30th day- Favourite types.
31st day- Favourite clothing item.
32nd day- Favourite 80s car.
33rd day- Favourite 80s accessory.
34th day- Favourite 80s actor.
35th day- Favourite 80s actress.
36th day- Favourite villain.
37th day- Funniest 80s movie.
38th day- Funniest character.
39th day- Favourite 80s commercial.
40th day- Favourite Corey Haim movie.
41st day- Favourite River Phoenix movie.
42nd day- Favourite 80s show.
43rd day- Most meaningful 80s movie.
44th day- If you're best friend was an 80s character/actor who would it be.
45th day- Sodapop or Ponyboy.
46th day- Wil Wheaton or Ralph Macchio.
47th day- Favourite 80s arcade game.
48th day- Favourite 80s cartoon.
49th day- Least favourite 80s hairstyle.
50th day- Why you love the 80s.

Im gonna tag
You dont have to do it xxx

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