Pour your heart out tag ❤️

61 8 3

I was tagged by beanscobain x

I'm not very good at stuff like this and I have no idea what to say but I'll try.

I don't like my teeth at all, I try not to smile with my teeth because I end up looking like Sid from ice age. But anyway I've got braces now so at least they're gonna get better. My teeth aren't nice and white either, they're not really yellow but still, and it's not like I don't brush them. I don't like my face either I get spots a lot, It just looks weird, my hair is boring and if I could look different I definitely would. I mean I spend money on all this makeup and I'm still ugly 😂 I also wish I wasn't so shy when I first meet people. Like when your friends with me I don't shut up but It's just when I first meet people and I'm like wait I'm not actually like this. I am also so pale! I make jokes about it all the time because it is pretty funny, at summer everyone gets tanned And I stay the exact same colour, I'm like Casper. My school is so unfair, most of the teachers can treat us like shit and If we try to stick up for ourselves it's considered 'answering back' and being rude, is that just my school? I have stretch marks which is annoying but It's normal, they'll fade over time so I don't think it's anything to worry about. I generally don't fall out with people, I might have little disagreements but I try to keep myself out of arguments because I just don't have the energy, I like watching them though. A lot of the girls in my school are almost always upset or annoyed over some boy, calling them stuff like 'fuck boys' I mean We're in the year 8, It's getting old. I don't really like my body either, I'm not being stuck up or anything but I'm not fat, but I'm not thin either I'm in the middle which doesn't bother me but I just don't really like certain parts of my body, like my stomach. It's so annoying when thin girls say stuff like 'I'm so fat' because they know they're not. Anyway sorry this isn't very good, I don't really know what else to say.

Thanks for tagging me beanscobain xx

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