Chapter 1

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It was me. It was always me who had a candle lit inside my soul when I loved things. It was me who always felt I was to blame for things that may not be in my control.
" When I love, I freely jump into it without a care in the world. Truth is, I want to be loved. Everyone wants to be loved, even serial killers want to be loved. "

My name is Mei. Welcome to my life from a Picses perspective. I was born on the following March 2nd, a rainy Sunday, nothing special. I like to think that in a past life, I was a Japanese woman , born in Tokyo. I have a logical reason along with my conspiracy's to prove to you, such as why I feel this way. When I was seven I had always told myself that i was Asian in a past life and I died in a car acccient, and the following year, I had a dream I was in Tokyo, japan. Its my fucking life goal to move to Japan with my best friend lia. Japan is.. Everything. I grew up with anime, its not only my my childhood, but its becoming a part in my adulthood too. I feel like my soul won't rest until Im in Japan. I mean come on, its Japan! Japan is like a whole other world, Japan gave us anime, Japan gave us emojis, Japan gave us style, Japan gave me the will to live, okay? I belong in japan, because everyone deserves to be happy.

Everyday ive been having these dreams. But its the person in my dreams.
I don't know who it is. He has white hair, white like the snow. He wears the most beautiful clothing, with a white sash on top of his shoulder. His golden eyes attract me most out of all his features.
Yet, I cease to know where I am in these dreams. Everytime I see him, hes walking away from me, I do nothing more than chase after him, he always leads me to the same place. A well. The sorounding area is a abundance of forest. I always wonder why he leads me to this strange place.

What does it mean, does it mean anything? He always keeps a straight look on his face as he looks into the well. Im curious to what's inside. What is the purpose of being here?
I slowly and carefully take small steps towards the old well. I look inside and I see nothing, its just a dry well.
I lose my balance and I fall in. Im falling and my adrenaline is rushed. As Im getting closer to the bottom, the boy vanishes away from the well. Hes not going to save me? My biggest thought. As my anxiety forms bigger and bigger..

I wake up.
Its the same dream every single damn night. 

I feel rushed. Im breathing heavy as I look around the room for my inhaler. I take a deep breath in, and I can tell myself,that Im okay.  I had never had a dream feel so real. I try not to think about it too much, but knowing me, Im an overthinker, so of course I think about it too much.
I finally decide that Ive put too much thought into this. So I head to the bathroom to run a smooth bath for myself and drop in a black bathbomb from lush. I take big deep breaths as I try to relieve the stress from my body. Ever since I was a child I was terrified of almost everything. spiders, dogs, cats, even my shadow.
As much as I fear getting my naruto manga wet in the tub, I absolutely cannot resist the temptation to read another chapter.
Us otakus have this little minor issue... Hehe.. You see, we can't live without five minutes without reading or watching anything anime related, and if we aren't watching or reading about it, we're talking about it, and if we're not talking about it we're dreaming about it. But if you're not.... Do you dare call yourself an "otaku"? ...
"God damn, itachi's facial structure is giving me the chills."

I love him more than the air I breathe, and Hes not even real. Naruto is the first anime I actually remember watching. Even at four years old I was a full blood otaku, insomnia took over my life even back then.

Im the type of girl who would rather sit under the stars with a blanket and sleep then to party at every chance I could get at. I couldn't care about who the most popular celebrity is, or whose on the latest vogue cover, or even if my outfit was presentable to walk out the house in. Bish, I will walk out the house in a barney costume, got no fucks to give.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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