“Everyone! QUIET!”

                Her shout stunned everyone into silence, even Shane. He turned his eyes from the road and met hers, eyebrows raised over his dark sunglasses.

               She now said quietly, “If I had a sitter, I would love to go out on a date with you.” Another shy smile rewarded Shane.

                “If you trust me, I might know someone.” Their eyes held a beat longer then both faced forward, silence reigning within the Range Rover once more.


                “Yes, a date, Ana! A real date! And I said yes! Now what do I do? I should cancel. The twins are too young; David doesn’t want me to go. Yes, I should tell him n—“

                “Oh, for crying out loud, Em! Go out with the man! Are you going to let a four-year-old boy dictate when you start living your life again? Get real!” Emily’s sister Analise grumbled on the other end of the phone line that evening, trying to give her sister a much-needed backbone.

                Lying on her bed staring up at the tray ceiling, Emily rethought her decision once more. She’d been vacillating the whole afternoon. The two angels were back on her shoulders again. The mourning angel was pushing her to cancel the date she’d rashly accepted, while the giddy-up-and-go angel was telling her to take what she could get while the gettin’ was good.

                “But if I go out with him, and we don’t hit it off, what happens with my job? I don’t think I could work for him after dating him. Ohh, I’m so confused!” she growled into the phone.

                Her sister immediately replied, “What is so confusing, Em? A gorgeous rich guy has the hots for you, asks you out, and you don’t know what to do? Honey, you didn’t die with Darrell, I keep telling you that! And as far as the job is concerned, work there, quit, move out here with us, whatever; it will all work out. Just, take a chance, sweetie. “

                Emily digested that speech, not sure if she could leave California for Virginia. Then one comment her sister made drew her attention. “How do you know he’s gorgeous?” Emily frowned at her cell phone.

                “You told me, sis, but I also googled him. Damn girl, what’s there to wonder about? I look enough like you—let me fly out and take your place. Oh, Tim, you know I’m just joking!” This last was said away from the mouth piece, towards her husband of eighteen years. Emily smiled despite her own worries, for Tim and Analise were like a hand and a glove. Nothing would separate them. Not even a hunky millionaire. The millionaire who had asked her out, the millionaire who kissed like—

                “Earth to Emily. Are you listening?” Analise’s voice brought Emily back to reality, and back to her current concerns. Emily sighed heavily, sitting up and looking out her wrap-around windows at the dark horizon and darker ocean. With the cloud cover it was hard to see where sky and sea separated, but the view was still breathtaking, as was the sound of the surf through her open slider. It would be hard to leave this home if their next step did not work out.

                “I’m listening, Ana. I guess I’ll go. After all, he did find a good baby-sitter, his agent’s daughter who’s going to college out here, so I don’t have that worry...”

                “Well, don’t sound too excited, sis, Geez. Try to whip up some enthusiasm before this weekend. And,” her voice lowered to a whisper, “don’t forget protection.”

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