"Are you all right?!" I exclaim and get out of bed. I rush to the kitchen and see Niall picking up pans off the floor. He looks at me blushing and as he puts the pan back on the stove. Niall was quick and already made the mixture for the pancakes. I walk over to him as he pours some into the pan. "Let me do the cooking and you just stand here, all right? After all, you're the one who just underwent knee surgery." I say and take the spatula out of his hand.

"Okay." He sighs and leans against the kitchen counter next to the stove. "I love it when you cook for me." Niall says and takes my empty hand in his. "It's such a rare sight." He mumbles and kisses the back of my hand.

"Yeah it is and you do you know why?" I ask. He shakes his head no, making me roll his eyes at him. "Because you, Mr. Horan, never let me cook or bake anything." I say and quickly kiss his cheek.

"And do you, future Mrs. Horan, know why I never let you cook or bake anything?" He asks with a big smirk. I shake my head no as I fail to hide a smile. "Because you're already burning our first pancake." Niall says laughing.

"Shit!" I exclaim and quickly flip it. Niall laughs harder and harder as he swings his arms around me. He pulls me between his legs and cups my cheeks with his hands. Niall kisses my forehead before he continues to laugh at me. I slap his chest jokingly and softly, before stepping back in front of the stove. I quickly take the pancake out of the pan and onto a plate before it can burn on both sides. Niall turns on some music and we sing along to the songs as I try my best to not burn every pancake. It's hard to concentrate on flipping pancakes when you've got Niall Horan in the kitchen, singing songs and impersonating the artists.

When I'm finally done with making the pancakes, I get a chair for Niall and let him sit down on it before I sit down on his thigh with the good knee. As I feed and him and myself, we talk about the plans for the next few weeks. We don't say a word about the past and concentrate on the future.

"You know, the Brit Awards are soon... so do you want to be my plus-one?" Niall asks before I feed him another piece of pancake.

"But people are going to us together then." I say as I run my fingers through his messy hair. He swallows down before forming a big smile with his lips.

"That's the point, gorgeous. I don't want to hide you any longer. Everyone should see how perfect you are." Niall says and kisses my cheek. I bite my lip and look down to the floor. An Award show as our first appearance together? Isn't that a bit too much? The press will be there, camera teams and fans. I feel anxiety building up in me when I just think about it, how will it be when I'm there with Niall?

"Can't we go public on a more casual occasion? An Award show is a big thing and our relationship coming out shouldn't be number one news on the next day. I-I much rather see your and the boys' faces on the papers with a title that says how many Awards you won." I tell him hoping that he can't hear the anxiety in my voice.

"Are you scared?" He asks and puts his hand on my back, rubbing it up and down. I don't answer and put another piece of pancake in my mouth. "Fine, then let's just go to Starbucks together or something, maybe visit Adam at his work and apologise to him." Niall says and opens his mouth. I laugh and feed him the last piece. "Thank you." Niall mumbles with his full mouth. I kiss his forehead and stand up to clean up the mess I made while making the pancakes. Niall gets up as well and helps me until the kitchen looks clean again.

"I need a shower." I mumble as I follow Niall out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Can I join you?" He asks smirking. I laugh and shake my head at him before kisses his cheek quickly.

"Maybe when your knee isn't hurting anymore." I say and slowly walk out of the living room.

"How do you know that it's still hurting?!" Niall exclaims.

"I hear you cursing with every move you make, my love." I yell back and hear him laugh in response. With a smile and happy to have him back in my life, I go through his bedroom to his walk-in-closet and see that he made space for me. He also got few of my things from my apartment and hung them up neatly. "He's so cute." I say to myself as I pick out a pair of Niall's sweatpants and a shirt of mine. I go into his bathroom and take his shirt off. Slowly and carefully, I take off the bandage around my stomach. It looks normal but feels numb. I put my hand on it and imagine the baby that I should still have kicking inside. A tear rolls down my cheek but I tell myself to stay strong for Niall and for myself. I might have lost the baby but I got Niall back and we can always have another baby in the future, right? This wasn't my last chance to get a child. It just can't be.

After taking a hot shower, I wrap towels around my body and hair. "Olivia?! Are you done?!" I hear Niall yelling from the other side of the door.

"Yes!" I yell back before opening it to let him in. Niall steps into the bathroom and blushes bright red when he sees me only in my towel. It has been a while since the last time. He looks down at himself and bites his lip before shaking his head slightly and looking up again.

"We-we have guests." He stutters. "It's Clair and her son."

"I'll be right with you." I say to Niall and take one step closer to him. He nods vigorously and scans my body up and down. "Are you alright?" I say, trying to sound seductively. He just nods again, making me laugh. "Oh Niall." I shake my head at him and kiss his cheek before closing the door in front of his face.

"Just wait till my knee gets better!" He exclaims chuckling. I can't hold it back and just have to laugh before I continue to get ready as quick as possible. Deciding to let my hair just air dry, I leave the bathroom and make my way over to the living room where I hear Niall and Clair talking. I've never met Clair, nor her son but Niall told me that she's like a second mother to him.

"There she is, the famous Olivia." A woman around her 30s says with a smile when she sees me coming into the living room. She stands next to Niall and has a planner in her hand.

"That's me, I guess." I say and smile back. Unexpectedly, she pulls me into a hug. I hug her back before stepping next to Niall. He said something about her son but I haven't seen him yet. Maybe he's in the kitchen or guest bathroom, I think, thinking that her son is around 6 or 7 year old. But then I hear a baby cry and instantly know that her son is not years but months old. I look at Clair and watch her go over to the stroller that I didn't notice in the room. She picks up a little boy who's completely dressed in blue. He stops to cry as soon as his mother picks him up. I can't help it but smile as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Are you okay, gorgeous?" Niall asks when he sees the tear.

"No." I gasp, shaking my head.

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