Chapter 18: Rock & A Hard Place

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A deafening silence had crept alongside the sounds of marching steel. Since setting off with their prisoners, the mechanical platoon had not stopped for neither thirst nor rest. There was a regimented obedience that guided their steps, one which only answered to the collective, and never to the wants of the one. Whatever had once been alive in their metallic shells had long since been forgotten. In their place came something void of life, something hollowed out and left empty. These were Cybermen now, nothing more than slaves to the machine.

Benjamin French had rediscovered a new level of exhaustion, just as he had so many times before while travelling with the Doctor. It had been hours since they had been pushed down the ravished roads of the planet the Cybermen had referred to as SJ7474. It had not been the most creative of names but he was quite sure creativity was not a key component when it came to assimilation. Little was said between the guards and their prisoners, and what little had been spoken offered no comfort save the promise of upgrade.

Somehow, throughout the lowest moments of their journey, the Doctor had held an abnormal amount of enthusiasm. It seemed the most threatening situations had continued to offer the best rewards. Question after question the Time Lord had tried to inquire further into why the Cybermen were so interested in the dying star. But with each query there followed only that same regimented silence. By the time they had reached a bleak crossroad that broke into several directions, Benjamin was quite sure even their mechanical composure could not withstand the likes of the Doctor.

"I mean really," rambled the incessant prisoner. "Look at this place! There's nothing here. A bunch of rocks and dust...a few dried out lakes...I'm sure it used to be nice place before you bombed it to smithereens. Oh! I know, you're here for the captivating horizons. Bleak, lifeless, devoid of beauty, it's right up your alley. You mechanical romantics. I should have known you were just looking for a long walk on the beach while watching the sunset."

The Cyberman leading their procession did not turn as it carried forward, "Your inquiry will soon be addressed. Your upgrade will synchronize you with the primary data-stream."

"Been there, done that, I'll pass. Last time you tried plugging into my brain it may have worked against you," he smirked. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

"All organic matter must be upgraded. This is our sole purpose." It moved its head side to side, just as a machine rotating on a swivel, "It has been decided by the Cyberiad. The Time Lord will be upgraded before the human."

With that the prisoners were nudged onward without another trace of the answers they had hoped to find. Benjamin did his best to whisper as he fell in beside his companion, "I don't think they like you very much."

"What? Me, an organic based lifeform that's thwarted their plans time and time again? What's not to like?"

"What happened with them the last time know...tried to upgrade you?"

"We drank some tea, talked out our differences, played a game of chess. Wait, that wasn't the last time, that was two times ago. Or was it three?" A firm steel hand pushed the Doctor forward before he recomposed himself, "Watch it. I'm pretty sure this suit is dry clean only. Try finding a good dry cleaner in the remote corners of the Karhatan Sector, not easy, even in the most enlightened centuries."

The time traveler's humor was lost on the frightened young boy, "So what do you think they mean by upgrade?"

"We will become part of the Cyberiad I suppose," sighed the Doctor. "The shared collective pool of knowledge that forms the Cybermen's shared consciousness."

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