This is Just the Beginning 0.0

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By the way, the front cover is Lena Katina. I edited her eyes, eyebrows, dress (it was blue...), hair and lips just to fit with the character 'Hime'. I think I'll find a celebrity for Oji too. Hime is pronounced 'Hee-may', it's a Japanese word. Oji - Oh-jee, also a Japanese word. There are probably a few mistakes, but oh well. Enjoy x


I stood on the sailing ship with my back against the wooden rail and a bunch of angry pirates yelling and pointing their swords my way. My pastel-orange dress flew in the blowing wind; which was making me shiver.

“Throw her overboard, Capt’n!” One of the fat ones yelled at the front with his booming loud voice. Please, save me, I whispered to Nox – Goddess of night. She was our Goddess because she kept us safe during the times of sleep.

From the corner of my eye I could see the Captain smirk and motion his two best crew members to take me to the middle of the ship where there was no rail, and simply throw me overboard. I would fall down, down, till I reached my watery grave in the vast ocean. The two large hands grabbed my struggling arms and pulled me away from the front of the deck. I started screaming at them, wasting my energy when I needed it to swim to shore – even though I saw no sign of land for miles and miles.

“Please,” I cried out, “Let me go!” We finally reached the edge though, and the fall down looked horrifying. And just as they were going to let me fall, I turned my head behind me to the Captain and said, “Wait.” The men fell silent, and I was pulled back a few steps, “Please, let me talk to the Captain.” I received a few impatient, waiting stares before I added, “Alone.”

“She’s got a plan to kill you, Sir!” Someone yelled from the crowd, causing uproar of yelling me agreement. I just shook my head as the Captain shrugged and walked towards his cabin at the very back of the ship. He motioned me to follow, and I did.

The doors closed behind me as I stepped into the fancy dining area of his cabin, but he had already turned right down the dark stairs. I followed down the steps carefully, with one hand placed on the rail gracefully while the other held the front of my bulbous dress up. It had ruffles and laces and bows, and every other little thing which made it pretty. It also had sleeves, but they started beneath my shoulders.

A light flickered before me as I reached the bottom, and it was the Captain lighting several candles. He smiled as he handed me one, laced with orange bows, and then he revealed a curtain and motioned me through. I walked through to the treasure room; it had everything from coins to painting, gems to antique wood. I walked over to sit on the end of his bed while he simply pulled a chair up in front of my curios self.

“What did you want to talk to me about, Miss…”

“Hime, my name is Hime. I do not know my last name, my parents abandoned me when I was five,” I finished for him. “Hime means Princess in some other language, that’s all I was told.” He nodded in understanding.

“Yes, yes, I remember you when we first found you at a beach we raided. A five year old, left screaming and crying in my sons arms as he took you back to the ship safely. He was only nine years then too,” He closed his eyes like he was having flashback, but soon opened them again.

“I came to ask really, why, exactly am I being thrown away? What did I do? I don’t really understand, it all just happened when I was rushing towards the kitchen. They all crowded around me and shouted things I didn’t really understand,” I looked down at my shoes, white leather boots with orange bows lining the sides. “Did I do something wrong?”

As I looked up I saw his face was still smiley, “They do not like you ever since you have grown to be fifteen years of age. You cause a major distraction in raids, because of your looks. They do not know how good you are at collecting loot and protecting us, though. I’ve always had the plan in my head that you should go out first on major pirate ships, showing yourself off as a distraction for us to kill them. None of the crew agrees, except my son.” He sighed and looked at me with a sorrowful look.

“I understand… I never wanted to be a distraction which is why I try my very best to be like them and do all the hard work. I never wanted to kill someone, but I know I’ve killed a lot of men, including our own,” I said.

“And do you understand the law of marrying the son or daughter of a Captain? If the crew says no, she or he will be thrown off into the sea, and if they survive the crew may allow them back. For you, my dear, most of them disagreed to the love you show my son,” he said. I nodded, and stood up, ready for my fate.

“So, I’m guessing they didn’t approve of your wife, Sir?” I asked, walking towards the stairs.

“No, my dear,” was his answer. But before I could say words of sympathy, some crew member burst into the room with a rush of words coming out of his mouth.

“Your son, Sir, he has jumped,” I pushed him aside as soon as I heard. Running up the stairs and out to the deck.

“You!” The fat ones yelled with a pointing finger, “You made him do this!” I shook my head in disgrace, running for the rail and diving off the ship. It was peaceful for a few seconds, before my hands touched the surface of the water and a cold feeling went through my body. I pushed my arms through the water, breaking the surface for air.

“My love!” I screamed through rasping breaths, “Where are you? Call out my name!” I kept screaming for him, looking around the ocean. The ship didn’t stop moving, it kept soaring forward to the next place where they would raid for treasure.

“Hime!” I heard someone yell, “Was that you? Please, tell me it wasn’t my imagination!” I started swimming towards the voice.

“Yes! It’s me! Follow my voice,” I shouted back. We kept shouting words to each other, till we finally saw one another. He wrapped his arms around me, breathing fast from the amount of swimming he must have done. I held onto his shirt, kicking my legs to keep me afloat.

“Take your dress off, it’ll be easier to swim,” He said as he tugged the soaking wet cloth off me. We watched it float down into the dark water in silence.

“Shouldn’t we start swimming to find shore or something?” I asked as my breath became slower. He nodded and pulled my hand forward as he paddled through the waves. It was silence from then on.

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