2.3 ⇛ Acquisition

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"Lydia wouldn't of cried, she's like fifty percent human." Jackson scoffed.

"That's Lydia for you." I glanced down at my phone, Scott texting me.

"I actually have to go." I got up from the bench, Jackson watching my moves.

"I'll see you later." I walked away from him, the boy staring at the ground.

"Hey, Charlie!" I turned back to look at Jackson.

"Good luck with what you're dealing with." He nodded his head, a smile on his face.


Jackson usually had a smirk on his face, but he actually gave me a genuine smile, who knows when I'll see him again.

I might never.

"I opened the door of the clinic, Scott rising to his feet as Deaton left the examination room.

"Is he okay?" I looked back and forth between the two.

"He woke up a couple minutes ago. He's still pretty tired so he might go back to sleep." Dragon explained, opening the door for me to slip through.

"Thanks for helping him." I walked through and into the small examination room, the beta sitting on the metal table, his hands in his hair as he was hunched over.

"Hey." I softly said, grabbing a chair and bringing it up near the table.

"Hey." He muttered back. He sounded tired.

"I don't remember." He mumbled, quiet enough for me to hear him.

"What don't you remember?" I asked, my hand on his cheek.

"I don't remember what happened in the past week."


"What do you mean by 'he doesn't remember what happened to him in the past week?" Stiles flailed his arms around in the air, the pale boy recently arriving to the vet clinic.

"He doesn't remember who took him." I glanced back at the examination room, the beta sleeping.

"Well, they took away the memory," Deaton spoke up, he looked deep in thought.

"I think Peter will know what to do." Deaton crossed his arms.

"Why out of all people will Peter know?" I asked, my arms crossed also.

"He can explain it to you."

"Well, do we call him or something?" I look between the three.

"I'll call him." Scott got his phone out, shuffling over to the door.

"Well, what other options are there besides Peter?" I leaned back on the desk, almost falling over.

"We can fill a tub with ice and put him in it, it would slow his heart, but it wouldn't kill him." The veterinarian explained.

"And Peter's the other option." I slowly exhaled, starting to pace around.

"It's your decision." Deaton and Stiles watched me as I furrowed my eyebrows, the small bell to the front door jingling as Scott walked in.

"I told Peter what happened, he's offering to help." Scott slowly closed the door, everyone was thinking over the situation.

"Tell Peter to meet us at your place around five." I slowly breathed out, Scott silently nodding.


Peter kept his promise as he arrive at five, right on the dot.

"Hope you guys didn't miss me that much." A viscous chuckle could be heard as we all watched Peter slowly make it over to us.

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐀 ∇ 𝐢.𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐲 (HEAVY editing/rewriting)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt