Still full moon

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I get inside my room to see Peter waiting while holding the arrow in his hand, "I can tell you healed!" He smiles and puts the arrow back on my desk and walks to me, and try's to grab my arm but I move away but I knock something and it smashes onto the ground, he picks me up by putting his hand around my neck I put out my claws and clawed him he lets go and heals pretty fast and picks me up once again but this time i couldn't claw him because he had his other hand next to my neck with his claws out.

"Why are you doing this?" I questioned him and I hear Isabel walking down the hallway about to enter my room.

"Do you hear that? It's your friend!" He smiles and looks at the door waiting for Isabel to open the door, "I won't kill your friend but you have to join me!" I smiled and chuckled a little, "An Alpha by himself with no pack?" I hear the door open but I try to tell Isabel to get out but Peter tightens his grip, "Elena!?" I try to speak but I am becoming more weak as my heart slows down, I also know Isabel can hear my heart beat slow down because her face becomes worried as her heart beats a little faster, "FINE! Just don't hurt my friends!" He smirks and let's go of me and I gasped for air but he grabbed my arm and started to pull me out of my room, "Elena!" I didn't want her to worry so I turn back and smiled at her, "It's okay Isabel but I won't be back for a while!" I noticed Peter has the arrow in his hand and I try to notify Isabel.

Isabel grabs the arrow and puts it though Peter but doesn't kill him instead he pulled it out, and faces Isabel and knocks her out cold before he did I yelled her name.

I get out my phone and call Stiles, "Hello?" I hear his voice, "Come get Isabel please!" I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket and walk down stairs with Peter behind me with his claws against my back.

"Get inside!" I look at the burnt house the same as Derek's, "This is Derek's house!" I stopped at the door and face Peter, and his claws are on my belly, "It's my house, and I need yours and Derek's help to get Scott in my pack!" He spins me back around pushes me in the house as I see Derek sitting on the staircase, "No I am not going to help you!" I walk to the door but Derek stopped me, "Derek don't let him boss you around!" I know Derek is a beta but that doesn't mean he has to be in Peters pack "Come on Elena think of all the power!" I turn to face Peter as he smirks, "The power YOU get!" I move away from Derek and the door, "I will let you think about it after the hunt tonight, and Scott has to kill with me or he dies!" I blink and also thought that made no sense, "No he will not kill!" I yelled, I look at Derek and back to Peter "But you will if you loose enough control!" I think back to how I almost killed someone Isabel likes, "Yeah I saw you, you loved seeing her face because you knew she didn't want him dead!" I try to stay calm but it's hard knowing he would say more to get me angry, "You feed on that you enjoy it......but how to get you to loose control is my next question!" I stay silent for a while, Peter clicked his tongue "Scott is coming soon and I am going get something bye!" My eyes widen and I start running but before I could Peter came back, "You are a coward Elena!" It started raining and I am standing in front of Peter.

Peter makes the first move by releasing his claws as I release mine, "I think I just figured it out!" He smiles but I didn't understand because some of the moon touches my skin and I feel it crawl all over me,"What would that be?" I replied as he still smiles but this time showing his teeth but I noticed he is turning into his form that only some know of or know how to turn into a monster.
humans call supernaturals creatures monsters, we are not monsters "WE ARE NOT MONSTERS!" I yell but it soon turns into a roar so loud I am so sure Isabel and Scott could hear it, "What are you talking about? We are what we are now stay here or i will kill your friends!" I made him stop turning so I took that chance to claw him or something.

Clawing and kicking Peter was fun but he finally decided to fight back, he kicks my belly then knocks me to the ground and clawed my back and face, but I didn't give up I stood up to see his shocked face which I was sure he was faking "I'm a alpha idiot!" I didn't smile nor did I smirk, standing there ready to take a hit but he still has a smile on his face and walked to me, clawed the same place on my face and my back making it bleed more and harder to heal and let's not forget it will take longer to heal, it's going to be hard to explain but I didn't want Peter going anywhere near my friends.

"Peter?" I say sweetly I made sure I didn't sound weak, "You are weak Elena you should rest!" He come at me and try's to knock me out but he missed, "Get off you animal!" When he went close to my face I decided to bite his arm, he rips his arm away from me and covered it up I stood there waiting for his next move, "That's what we are ain't we?" I questioned him, he looks at me still has a smile on his face "That's what you are, and you should be chained up like a animal!" I knew Derek was behind me so I turned around to see Derek standing there ready to hit me, "Derek gets the point!" I hear peters voice "Derek what would Scott say?" I still had my claws out, Derek stayed quiet "Peter if anything you are the animal!" I turn back around to see Peter closer but I am out numbered by two to one.

Isabel jumped in front Derek and starts to hits Derek in the face and wolfs out and Isabel roars at him and Derek didn't seem to scared but Isabel started to attack him.

Face to face with Peter hoping i will win but i hear a bang behind me so i turn around to see a arrow coming straight for me so i dodge it and it went into Peters heart.

Derek runs towards him and i see scott in the disance running and also seeing Stiles, i turn back around to see Derek about to claw Peters throat out so i smiled and watched but Scott came around and stopped Derek from doing so and Peter ran off.

"Scott what the hell is wrong with you!?" me and Isabel stepped away from them and we looked at each other.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk, forgive me?" i smile at her and she smiles back and gives me a hug.

"I forgive you but next time try not to be a coward!" we both laughed.

"Lets go watch batman or something i had enough drama for one night!" i smile and she nods and we walk home and watch some movies.

Hey guys i hope you are enjoying this book and everthing, bye for now!

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