((A/N *mends 4th wall*  jose why u do dis?))

"Yes you nimwit" Kat laughs rolling her eyes.

"Ok the who is Skyler and who ever kidnapped her" Tobi says,

"The what is kidnapped" Kat says,

"When?" Jose asks Tobi,

"It was maybe around 2? pm?" Tobi answers counting on his fingers,

"Where, this house!" Ella exclaims jumping up and down,

"Now all that's left is the why" Kat narrows her eyes.

"You sure Sky just didn't lock herself in a cupboard?" I ask,

"I'm sure, we've been looking for candles and matches for ages!" Tobi explains.

"Hey Tobi have you foun- oh" a girl I recognize in my math class steps out of their house,

"Oh, hey Rei" Tobi smiles,

"H-have you seen Sky? I can't f-find her" the girl 'Reigan' shuffles her feet,

"That's the thing, Tobi here called us to say she went missing. We're trying to find her" Jose walks over and pats Reigan's back comforting her,

"Oh.." she trails off,

"Now I feel bad.." I whisper to Ella,

"Same," she whispers back,

"We found matches" Reigan pipes up,

As on cue,

The power comes back on.

"Yes! She did it!" Jose jumps up and down,

"Calm down" I chuckle and grab her shoulders keeping her on earth,

"Now can we talk inside? please?" Kat asks,

"Sure, I guess."

–•Amelia P.O.V•–

"Later boss!" I yell as I grab my keys and exit the night club,

Another night done, another nights pay, I smile as I make my way to my car.

As I walk to the parking lot I spot someone leaning up against my car,

Soon realizing who it is I unlock my car and they and I get in.

"Long time no see, eh?" She smiles at me,

"Lauren what do you want? You only ask for my help if it's something serious" I say as I turn my car on,

"Oh it's serious all right," she says as she straps in, as do I.

"Where is Catrina? She not with you?" I say as I focus on reversing,

"No she's undercover at the moment and couldn't make it"

"Very well, so point?"

"The reason why I'm here is some people are after him and I need your help to stop them from going after him. Thorn is undercover with those people who are going to help him right now." She explains getting a mint put my glove box and eating it.

"Real reason?" I raise an eyebrow,

"One of their friends was takes by the people who are trying to get him, I need you to get her back" she smiles,

"Can't you do it? I'm busy with work" I mutter,

"No I can't, I have other things to do. I'll cover for you honey" Lo winks at me as she gets out my cat at a traffic light.

"Well then," I sigh in defeat as I see a note left on her seat,

Making sure I'm not holding up the traffic I drive into a little side street and read the note:

they took Skyler, they have her help captive at [insert address]
Be there, I'll send back up.

I hiss as I throw the note to the back seat,

God damnit Lauren!

:Skyler P.O.V:

I awake to a splash of cold water on my face,

"Hey darls" I look up to see Mitch standing there,

"Hey honey" I mock,

"Feisty, settle down or I'll have to punish you" he growls with a smile,

"Mitch! We're leaving!" Someone calls,

"Coming! Bye sweet heart, good luck he cackles as he leaves.

That sonovabítch!

I hang my head as I know I'm most likely gonna die,

"Well at least I die knowing I had friends" I sigh,

Closing my eyes for what I thought was the last time,

The door creaks open,

A slender body with wavy brown hair and hazelnut eyes silently slips into the room,

"Hey what if-" she puts her long slender finger to my lips,

"Shush now" she smiles as she gets out we pocket knife and starts cutting my ropes,

"But why?" I ask,

"Because, you're more important then you think."


yo i need sleep,

ill edit this at school maybe tomorrow, I mean today lmao


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