Chorong felt touched by her dongsaengs who is caring towards her. She then looked at bomi and eunji the same aged friends, she quite surprise to see both of them quiet because usually they will make a noise and chaos but this time both keep their mouth shut.
Chorong: you two, anything to say?
Eunji: unnie, as what namjoo said earlier no matter what is your decision, good or bad we will face the difficulties together.
Chorong: i will think about it.

Basketball Court
The school basketball team busy practicing for their upcoming tournament in 1 months. While they busy playing woohyun came, stand in front of suho without knowing he punch suho on stomach 3 times. Suho fell down, woohyun grab his shirt and punch on his face 2 times. Suho getting really angry and kick his chest, he was about to kick his face but Baekhyun and chanyeol quickly grab and stop him meanwhile myungsoo and hoya covered woohyun from getting beat by suho.
Suho: what the heck are doing?!
Woohyun: she broke up with me because of you asshole! Damn you piece of shit..! She said she loves you and break my heart you stupid playboy!

His heart beating fast because feeling angry to woohyun, he manage to escape from baekhyun and chanyeol, he punch his face. Myungsoo able to push him back and Baekhyun catch suho before he fall down.
Suho: I never confess anything and i don't even like her! If you want to know she is the one who always disturb and chasing me, she even confessed her love to me but i reject her. She's forcing me to accept her love, you stupid fool before you smashed someone's face, ask first and don't jump into conclusion damn it!

Meanwhile one of the student report it to Mr. Soo on what happen back in the court. He also act as a head of school discipline, quickly go there before the fight getting worse.
Mr. Soo: stop it! What happen here? What are you boys doing? Are you fighting with each other?
Suho: he hit me first Mr. Soo!
Woohyun: but he hit me twice!
Mr. Soo: enough!!! Both of you follow me back to my office, now!

Mr. Soo Office
Mr. Soo: what happened back in the court? You two are senior in this school and well known by other students but doesn't mean you can do anything you like! The juniors are watching and don't you feel ashamed about yourself? I will let you go this time but if I caught both of you again, you done! Understand?!
Suho & woohyun: ne.. (Both nodded).
Mr. Soo: woohyun you can go, suho you stay i need to talk to you.

Woohyun stand up and take a bow, leaving the room and left Mr. Soo and suho. Mr. Soo look at suho and shake his head.
Mr. Soo: how you feel right now?
Suho: I'm not guilty.
Mr. Soo: I didn't say this is your fault suho, as i can recall 4 years back you are very decent and down to earth student but I don't know what changed you into a troublemaker. You must remember this year is you last your last year as a high school student. After this you will continue your study and explore more what life is all about, take risks, making your own decision and learn other people's culture and lifestyle but if you don't change your bad attitude nobody can help you. Think about your future and family suho, they must be feel upset with you. You need to learn how to forgive and forget, control you ego and emotion, be more mature and respect others.

Head facing down while listening to Mr. Soo, deep inside his heart he actually agreed with him. Yes, he is a troublemaker and a playboy at school. He dates a lot of girls in school, most of them end up with broken hearted because he will broke up with them in few weeks or months. He got lot of admirers and always received many love confession but he will reject it just like that. Girls cry for him, chase him and will do anything to become his girlfriend. He aware of that, he locked his heart from falling in love again, he's not ready for a serious relationship with other girl due to his past. His heart only can be open again by someone whom he will fall in love with when the time is right.
Mr. Soo: don't worry I won't suspend you from school but i want you to do something for me. I want you and your basketball team organize charity event for the orphanage. It's time to give back to the children who don't have parents and make them happy. I want you to become a leader and lead you members for this project.

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