Getting Ready

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It was August 31. It had only been two months since I received my letter, but it seemed like an eternity.

I spent all of July and August with Professor Dumbledore learning about the wizard world. We bought all of my supplies and I even got a wand^.

I was making sure everything was in place for me in the morning. I have a towel and school robe laying on a rock in the woods by the lake.

When the time came, I would swim to the edge of the lake and dry myself off. At this point, I would have my land legs (As long as I'm dry, I have legs. If I get wet, I have a tailfin).

Professor Dumbledore taught me a spell that I could put on myself when I was dry to keep me dry for 12 hours. I could remove the spell early if I needed to go home early as well.

Once dry, I would cast the spell on myself and then head up to the castle. I would go straight to my common room and wait there until the other students started waking up. Then I would report to my scheduled classes.

Dumbledore said he would send out an owl to all the teachers at Hogwarts, letting them know that I was permitted in the halls before everyone else. I don't know if he told them exactly why though..

I spent the rest of the day practising  my dry spell. I did it about 100 times. I would put the spell on me and then walk into the water. Still legs. Then, I would take it off and swim into the water. Then I had a tail.

It started getting dark and I went home.

"Are you all ready for your first day?" She asked.

"Yes! I'm so excited!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I have dinner for you. Then you can go straight to bed," she said.

I ate dinner very fast, said goodnight, and went straight to my room.

I didn't think I was going to be able to sleep, but I was so excited that I fell asleep almost right away.

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