Letter To My Boyfriend

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Just to let you know, I might be writing a lot if letters to my boyfriend this week. As for the time being, he's living somewhere that's not 'home' and I have no way of contacting him, I also don't know where he is living for the time being.

Dear Ryder,

Today, I really miss you a lot. That's my main reason for writing you this letter. There's nothing that can make me forget you.

The time never seems to pass by. The days seem to go on forever and nights are full of my heart's sorrows when you're away. Your absence is my weakness. You wouldn't believe how weak I have become since you've been gone. You wouldn't believe the pain I've gone through, sometimes I get so mad and anxious that no one can stand to be near me because I start yelling.

Before you know it, you'll be back and I'll be hugging and kissing you.

Your girlfriend xoxo

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