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I clapped my hands together and looked up at Damon “right. Well excuse me whilst I go and kill Elena” I said going to walk forward but I felt a hand gripping my collar which pulled me back “I don’t think so. Why don’t we go to the grill? Socialise?” he suggested. I sighed “okaaayy. If we must”

We were sat at the grill in one of the booths. Damon had a glass of whiskey and was thoroughly enjoying it whilst I looked down at my sad of excuse of a drink which was lemonade, according to Damon, I was too young to drink. In human years yes. Not so much in vampire years.

I sulked sipping my drink through my straw which made Damon giggle “cheer up” he said. I looked at him with a blank look “no. you know what stuff you.” I stated standing up and walking over to the bar.

The bulky, handsome bar tender walked over and slung the tea towel he was holding over his shoulder “what can I get you?” he asked.

I smiled at him “ill have a gin and tonic” I asked nicely and casually. He chuckled “im going to have to see some ID” he said.

I leant in and stared into his eyes “I don’t need ID” I compelled him. He nodded and walked off to get my drink.

I smirked to myself and leant with my back to the bar. “Next time you might want to make that more discrete love” I heard a man say from beside me. I turned to him, assuming he was talking to me and frowned “I have no idea what you’re talking about” I replied briefly before I ignored his existence hoping that he would go away.

“I know you’re a vampire…its terribly obvious” the man said again. I turned to him again and rose my eyebrows “oh really…well run along then before I-“

“Klaus!” Damon interrupted walking up beside me.

“Ah Damon. I would say it is nice to see you but little birdies have told me that you don’t like me very much” Klaus smiled.

I stepped back “so you’re the one who wants me dead…you wouldn’t do it in such a public place now would you uncle Klaus?” I patronized.

Klaus’ smile dropped “ahh so you’re my beloved niece then… and no. I won’t do it in a public place but next time we meet, it may not be as public as this” he smirked trying to intimidate me.

“Ah you see that’s where you’re wrong. I actually have no intention of ever seeing you again…like ever. But when the time comes for you to try and end my life…our family bonds won’t save you” I replied getting in his face growling slightly.

“Carmen.” Damon warned. I leant back and looked at the jock who was stood there with my drink waiting for me to pay him. I put the money in his hands and he walked off.

“Indeed…you can tell were related. Well. Must dash.” He replied walking off completely unfazed by my threat which angered me.

I grabbed my Drink and walked back to the table with Damon following behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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