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disclaimer: I dont own TVD characters only carmen so far :)  


I widened my eyes and bared my fangs and was ready to attack. I pounced to face him but was cut of when he came up behind me and rapped his arm around my neck and held a stake over my heart.

I smirked "big mistake" I said before breaking free and pouncing over his desk landing and doing an army roll.

I stood up straight and ran towards the back of the class room I spung around to see a knife searing at me, it stabbed my in my stomach. blood started to soak my shirt, I went to pull it out when Alaric cur me off "I wouldn't, its been doused in vervain and would cause more damage pulling it out" he grinned.

"now im pissed off" I growled but coughed to see blood in mt hand, I fell to my knees and spluttered blood on the floor. I had to keep myself up with one hand of the floor.

I heard footsteps approaching me and was yanked up and slammed against the wall. I yelped in pain "you vampire scum" Alaric spat in my face slamming me against the wall again.

this was a piss take! "im on your side!" I shouted angrily. he frowned and pushed me harder against the wall pressing his body closer to me making the knife sink deeper making me cry out again, hopefully someone would hear me.

"how the hell are you on my side! you bit jeremy!" he spat, I shrugged "what can I say, its in my nature" I growled using my last piece of energy. he growled "enough talking" raising the stake.

I clamped my eyes shut waiting for my death but it was a bit delayed. I felt the pressure leave me and a hand touch my shoulder "are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I opened my eyes to see stefan looking at me worridly, I did a massive sigh of relief "oh am I glad to see you" I sighed then punched him in the stomach "couldnt you of come a little sooner!" I shouted then winced at the pain from my stomach.

I was sat on a desk with stefan inspecting the knife in my stomach "were going to have to pull it out" he said. I shook my head "no no no no... Alaric said it could do more damage by pulling it out" I said.

stefan frowned "well if we dont pull it out it could kill you.." stefan said raising his eyebrows. I opened my eyes wide "do it then" I urged.

"okay, on the count of 3. 1....2.." stefan counted then I felt a massive ripping pain in my stomach and kneeled over in pain groaning "WHAT HAPPENED TO 3!!" I shouted angrily.

stefan chuckled "if I didnt know any bettet I would of said your a wimp" he chuckled. I laughed quickly then my face fell straight "good thing I heal fast then isnt it" I said inspecting stomach, it was healing but a bit slower than normal. it had stopped bleeding so I was more satisfied. I sighed and looked at stefan "time to go face the music" I said

I hopped off the desk and walked over to alaric who was talking to elena and jeremy who had heard me screaming and fetched stefan , I crossed my arms and listened to elena explain that im a friend.

Elena stopped talking and let me speak "you just tried to kill me.. that's not very nice" I frowned.

"you bit jeremy! am I the only one who can see right through you. one less vampire in town wont hurt!" he spat glaring at me. "well im not going anywhere soon" I smirked but without warning he pounced at me revealing another stake but within a flash I had moved out of the way and grasped Alaric arm and snatched the stake and pushed him back to where he was before.

"look, im willing to be friends, I already know the rules around here.. they've been...well... burnt in you could say" I smirked at stefan, I turned back to Alaric "but if you can't put up with a new face in town then im not going to bother, get back to me when you've made your mind up, oh and take this into consideration, you really wont want me as an enemy. stefan, im goinf home before I bite someone, good bye" I stated before leaving, I ran home angry and frustrated.


When I was back at the boarding house I opened the door and slammed it so hard the glass shattered and spread all over the floor.

" I hope your paying for that" I heard Damon say. I turned and saw him leaning against the wall smirking At me.  I growled and stormed off, I picked up a glass vase and chucked it at the wall where his head was, that also smashed. I saw that Damon had moved to a different spot of the room and was about to throw another vase.

Damon was infront of me in a flash and pinned me against the wall "stop breaking things!  That was my father's vase!" he said.

"I really couldnt care less!" I shouted struggling against his firm grip on my arms.  I growled "what you gonna do? kiss me?" I quipped.

"oh someone had a bad day" he smirked leaning into me more, I faked a smile "you know Damon. older than you, therefore stronger so I suggest you get off" I advised.

"ha. I can tell you havent consumed much blood by your complexion and by that lovely blood stain on your shirt I would guess you had a little incident with Alaric.?" damon smirked, damn he was good...

"no actually were best buddies" I said sarcastically. he gave me a blank look and didn't budge. "you gonna get of me?" I asked.

"nah! , I wanna hear the whole story" he said.

I growled "I did warn you" I sighed pushing him off me and onto the floor where I held his arms above his head and sat on him.
"I guess that's a no then" Damons smile dropped.

"yeah.." I said but his disappointed face soon turned into a face of mystery and before I knew it he was pushing me off him where he got to his feet and looked like he was about to lunge at me.

I quickly stood up and moved out of the way as Damon jumped at me.  he landed in a crouch and lunged at me again, however this time I didn't move out the way. Instead I put all of my strength into my balled fist and as he came closer my first collided with his face making him stumble back.  He held onto his nose and when he removed his hand he revealed how much blood that was trickling down his face.

he walked into the kitchen... wait the kitchen! How was not the time to be snacking, we're in the middle of a fight.

I stood there waiting for him to emerge from the kitchen when he did... I wasnt so eager to fight any more... there he was advancing on me carrying a butchers knife like a mental cereal killer...

"you know you don't want to use that...' I said wearily starting to back away... "I'll whoop your arse anyway" I finished putting my hands on my hips trying to act like I wasn't shitting myself.
believe me getting stabbed hurts.. Even if I heal...

"you made me bleed... now I return the favour" he smirked with his fangs bared and the veins around his eyes showing.

"Damon. " I warned putting my hands up but he lunged anyway with the blade held high, I quickly moved out of the way making him smack into the wall behind me getting the knife stuck.

he yanked the blade out causing wall debris to go in my face... I wiped my face to see Damon aiming the blade at my collar bone, I screamed and quickly grabbed the blade preventing it from being shoved into my body. I ripped the blade from his grip causing it to cut a deep wound in my hand.

I grabbed Damon quickly and yanked one of his arms behind his back and with the other hand I firmly pressed the blade to his neck and whispered in his ear "I think I win".I laughed smugly.

Damon struggled against my grip but I was stronger so he couldn't break free. 

"fine...I give up, you win" he finally admitted.  I grinned and let go throwing the blade into the wall.

We stood there puffed out and aching, his nose had stopped bleeding and the deep wound in my hand had stopped.

"wanna get a drink" I finally asked Damon.  he grinned "I thought you would never ask!".

and with that... we left.

im gonna end that there,  hope you enjoyed that chapter :) please vote; comment and continue to read :)
this is improved, not by much but the old one was sooo bad, I apologize for that.

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