Good thing im already dead.

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Hellos, another chapter for you seeing as I'm really bored and got nothing to do :)

I don't own the TVD characters, only my own


"Stefan?!...... Anybody!?!!!!" I shouted as loud as I could "I swear if you don't give me back my sunlight ring I will-" but I was cut off when the door infront of me swung open with a loud squeal, Damon walked in smirking and holding my ring "you will what?" Damon asked.

"Damon" I growled baring my fangs "hello sweety, how was your sleep?" she smirked once again "give me my ring back" I growled at him pulling on the ropes holding me in place.

Damon burst out laughing and gave me an evil look "nahhhhh, I don't think I will" he grinned turning on his heels and walking out.

"DAMON!" I screamed.

"have fun in the sun" Damon murmured, I frowned.

I heard a clunk behind me and I didn't need to turn round to know what the noise was coming from.

I felt a warm sensation on my back that soon started to burn "Damon!, no please" I screamed in agony as the sun burnt through layers if my skin because I was a witch the sun had little impact on me at first but if i stay in it for to long, it starts to slowly burn. the scorching rays shone down on me burning inch by inch, I was to weak to scream any longer and soon I would no longer have the strength to stay alive.

The burning finally stopped and I could only manage to look up once at Damon's smirking face before I blacked out.

I woke up with my head hanging, I shot up but was soon hit with a agonising pain in my back and shoulders, I was tempted to scream but I refused to give Damon the satisfaction so I mearly hissed in pain.

I looked down to see my ring hadn't been replaced on my finger which meant what ever Damon's playing at hasnt ended.

I sighed and lifted my head up to check if anyone was in the room but to my disappointment there was a faint silhouette, I groaned "what do you want?" I murmered. The silhouette moved infront of me and pulled a chair, it was Stefan. he sat on the chair and leaned forward "are you alright?" he asked showing concern but I could tell it was an act.

"what do you care, I'm down here because of you" I spat, he sighed "look I know your pissed off but Damon shouldn't of tortured you, I put you down here to calm you down and explain the rules, I guess Damon prefers to burn them in" Stefan sighed.

"well, explain away then, because I'm tired, I'm hurting and I have some neck snapping to do" I growled.

Stefan returned my ring so I could trust that he wouldn't torture me. we sat there for 30 minutes while Stefan explained the rules, they included, no munching on towns folk, no snapping Damon's neck without Stefans permission and I have to attend school, ergh!!!

even though I was disappointed that I couldn't brake Damon neck I agreed to stefans terms.

Stefan untied me and helped me up to my room that I had previously woken up in and helped me sit on the bed.

"get yourself cleaned up and drink some blood from the cabnet down stairs then get some sleep" Stefan said and that's exactly what I did .

I had a peaceful dreamless night and I was so thankful that I wasn't sleeping in a cold cell tied to a chair. The warmth of the bed made me feel more safe than I had been since I had been here, but good things never last forever.

I could feel the heat on my face and it soon turned to burning I opened my eyes and realized my ring was no longer on my finger "ARGH!" I screamed quickly rolling onto the floor and landing on my backside in the safe shade.

I sighed and wondered what ass Had taken my ring and opened to curtains but I had a pretty good idea who it was and that idea was soon proved by the laughter following. I looked up and saw Damon holding my ring on the other side of the room, with that annoying smirk on his face ... OMFG I hate him so much, stupid fucking arrogant vampire!

"Damon! give my ring back!" I shouted but he just chuckled "come and get it" he said.

I stood up and looked at him after 10 seconds I could feel the sun burning so I had no choice but to duck in the safety of the shade "Damon please" I begged

"I told you to come and get it" Damon chuckled again

I growled and decided to beat him. I shuffled to the end of the shade and got in the crouched position ready to pounce "your a bastard" I said before lunging to the other side of the room and tackling Damon to the ground, he grunted as he collided with the floor and tried to push me off but I rolled him over onto his back and sat on his chest pinning his arms above his head.

"now. give me my ring" I said smilinf sweetly. "fine, you got me, but you see. you missed out on something" he relied. "oh? and whats that?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

damon grinned "the suns right there" and with that he flipped my into the sun again. I shot up but was soon over come with pain, I tried to move but I was paralysed from the pain, I shielded me eyes from the sun feeling the burning fry my skin.

I started to groan and wimper.

"damon... help!" I shouted trying my best to shield the sun. damons smile dropped from the realisation that it wasnt an act.

he appeared next to me, picked me up bridal style and ran for the shade where he checked me.

" eww! get off me" I groaned jumping out of his arms and collapsing to the floor with a thump.

damon rolled his eyes and helped me up but I shoved him off "I guess thats my thank you" he said sarcastically.

I ignored him and saw he was wearing my ring, I grabbed his hand and yanked it off and put it back onto my hand "this is your fault!" I growled pointing in his face before turning on my heels and stomping off.


so sorry I havent uploaded. im terrible. I procrastinate to much and im so unproductive... a bit of a short chapter however you can still coment and vote :)

. im thinking off stopping writing this story but if people dont want me to stop I wont :)

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