Long time no see

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The large crowd of people cheered as the remainder of the Survey Corps entered the city gate. Some looked shocked when they saw that only nine members had made it back, others still looked a bit sceptical but the majority was cheering and applauding when Levi stated that they had taken back wall Maria.

Levi turned around to face the other members. "Hanji and I are going to report to Commander-in-chief Zackly. Connie, I want you to make sure that Sasha gets the needed medical attention. The rest of you should go back to HQ in order to rest." The others nodded solemnly and headed to the Survey Corps HQ.

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Mikasa halted just before they reached the path which would lead them to HQ. Eren and Armin turned around on their horses. "I have to go somewhere. I forgot to tell you due to all the commotion."
Eren frowned but was too tired to protest. "Alright, but try not to stay away too long." Armin nodded in agreement with Eren's words.
Mikasa steered her horse around. "I'll be back in an hour." She smiled and headed back towards the city. Eren sighed and continued along the road, with Armin riding behind him.

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The soldiers who were guarding the dungeon let Mikasa pass without question. Closing the door behind her, Mikasa looked around the dimly lit room, her eyes eventually fox using on a large object in the back of the room. She slowly walked towards it and put her hand on the cold surface.

"Hi Annie, long time no see." Mikasa smiled weakly as she looked up at the motionless women who was still trapped inside her solid prison.
"We took back wall Maria and I-" Mikasa stopped mid-sentence, holding back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. "I- I'm so sorry!" Mikasa slammed her fist onto the crystal. "I'm sorry for what I did! I never wanted this to happen!" Images of Bertolt, Reiner and eventually Annie flashed through her mind. "Please forgive me." Mikasa whispered as she dropped to the floor. "Annie, I-" Mikasa hesitated. "I love you." Tears now freely flowed from her eyes. "Please come back."

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Mikasa looked at the scenery around her as her horse lazily trudged down the path that led to HQ. She thought about all the things that she had said to Annie. She knew that the woman hadn't heard her through the thick crystal but when she glanced back at it before she left the room, she could swear that she saw a tear running down the blonde's cheek. She frowned. Surely that was just the light reflecting off the crystal. Right?

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