Dream 2

33 6 11

ok wow, this dream was all over the place

apparently it was back to the new school year again and my high school decided to do something that's like dorms?? Not really dorms, more like just rooms. We didn't actually sleep over or anything but they were basically just like big lockers that they crammed five students in. I guess if you didn't wanna go to school you could just spend the day in there or smth

So mine was pretty much neat all the time, idk why. I only remember two people who were in my room tho lmao

So apparently I had the nickname Shirley, and I was walking outside for lunch or smth, and my friends called out to me and I started to run towards them (and left my lunch behind???)

then it just turned into this kinda montage thing of me trying to run up a hill to catch them?? Then I guess I got to them when we finally reached the top, but there were other kids there two?? like two or three people from my old school¿ idk

So then the gym teacher was yelling at us for some reason that's just foggy in my memory rn, and then skip to this weird part where it was me, shining a flashlight on a beaver (even tho I'm pretty sure it was a groundhog)

there was somebody narrating me, doing it too. The "beaver" kept trying to run from the flashlight every time it shown on him. It's really hard to understand so just ignore this now if u want. It's not really important.

So then there was another weird scene. Skip to this new thing, where me and my mom were standing in the hallway of the school, watching a shadow coming from the other hallway down more. It looked like someone was trying to bathe a dog by force, and tbh it wasn't the best thing to look at. Then the person went into a bathroom with the dog so we followed him, and the bathroom looked just like the one in my dad's house lmao.

I don't know why I dreamt of this, but he started to dry of the poor doggo by spinning it around at an incredibly high speed that probably would've had the dog lose air from not being able to breath. He did that for a pretty long time and we looked the dog when he stopped, and it was still alive but it looked like it wanted to die.

I'll spare you the details, but I woke up after that. Not the most pleasurable thing to go through tbh

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