“Nah. It's my Cinderella complex, actually. I've been so used to playing housewife after Mom left that it's stuck in my head.” I tell them. Shane's body tensed up and he immediately hugged me tightly to him.

“I don't know why anyone would leave you.” He tells me. “I stick to my word... You're stuck with me whether you want me or not.” And I start laughing.

“Oh great, not just a dork, you're stuck with a leach.” Sidney blurts out and we all laugh at Shane's expense.

“Rather like one of those cute little furry window stick-ons for cars.” And I make a suction noise pretending to have my hands and feet suctioned to a window while I teetered and tottered on Shane's lap.

“Nice.” He says sarcastically.

“Oh Honey.” I turn and grab his face in my hands, still slightly giggling. “You can leach all over me any day of the week looking like that.” And I wink at him. That got him laughing.

“A match made in heaven you guys are!” Sidney said exasperated. “Get dressed. We'll be waiting downstairs to start moving. Dad said something about possibly getting a round of golf in if we finish early enough.” And with that, she left us to our own devices.

Sidney's POV-

I knew that my brother wasn't going to be very far and neither was my best friend but I felt like I was loosing two important people in one day. I had called Tony to come by and help us all out with the move. It wasn't like we had loads of stuff to bring but seeing as we'd all been busy, we had to pack before moving.

“You look deep in thought.” I hear as I look up and find Tony heading my way from his Jeep. He pulls me up off the porch swing and into a hug. “Rough morning already?” I nodded. “I can fix that.” And he grabs my chin and gives me a very quick and gentle kiss on the lips.

“Come on. Mom and Dad have been asking me all kinds of questions about you.” I tell him.

“This should be fun.” He tells me.

I apparently was terrified more than Tony was about him meeting my parents. Turns out Mom and Dad absolutely loved him. We managed to get all of Devon's stuff right upstairs along with the few boxes that Shane had already packed away, hiding in his closet. I headed to the kitchen to get myself a glass of lemonade. Devon popped out of nowhere.

“Where's Tony?” She asked me.

“Outside with Mom and Dad. Where's Shane?” I ask her.

“Upstairs, putting some more of his stuff in boxes.” She tells me. “So your parents really love Tony huh?” She gave me the old eyebrow wave kind of thing that she used to do when we were kids. It freaks me out still to this day.

“Yeah. I'm sort of shocked really.” I tell her.

“Why? He loves sports, he's got a huge family, he seems to be treating you nicely so far and he's Italian! Of course they were gonna love him.” She tells me and nudges my side. “What's wrong?”

“I'm don't want to bring your day down.” I tell her.

“You already did; now out with it woman!” She tells me and stands in front of me her arms crossed at her chest and her foot tapping as she waited for me to spill my guts.

“I feel like I'm loosing you and Shane for some reason.” I tell her. That got me a sad chuckle and a massive hug from my best friend. “I know you guys are just above the garage and all, it's just different now for some reason.”

“Tell you what.” She began and I nodded for her to continue. “We'll make a date to get together for a girls day out every week. You'll see me more now than you ever did before sweetie. We're still basically living in the same house. Well, we're attached by a garage but you know what I mean.”

“D! That's enough.” I tell her laughing. “Thanks for cheering me up.” I tell her and gave her a hug of my own.

“I love you sis.” She tells me.

“Ditto.” I tell her. “Now, lets get you moved in so I can head out and have some time with my man.”

Shane's POV-

I looked at the four walls of my childhood bedroom and bid them farewell. It did feel somewhat bittersweet. I grew up here. I made loads of memories, from playing with Sidney to the handful of women that I've bedded here but most importantly, the most important memory is the one about the woman I've been wanting in my bed each and every night. The one that made me feel like I was on top of the world, that nothing could go wrong. And yes, I'm saying it again, the one I love. I close the door and turned to head down to the kitchen.

“Well, that's it!” I called out to my parents, sister, Devon and Tony.

“You're sure?” My parents asked. I nodded. “Then I guess you two should go get yourselves settled now.” My mother tells us. “Especially if you plan on cooking dinner for your girlfriend tonight like you said you would.” I felt Devon's eyes, burning into my back. I blushed.

“She told you about that, did she?” I turned to her. She nodded. “With that said, I guess we'll be on our way.” I tell them. I walked up to my parents and hugged them. Devon did the same and I couldn't help but overhear her calling my mother Mom. It felt nice. I grabbed her hand and we stepped out of the front door, into a new life.

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