Lee & the Missing Case of Sir Hops A Lot

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Lee & the Missing Case of Sir Hops A Lot
(Theodore: 15-months old)

"Okay, but you're going to be home in time for bed, right?" I asked, cradling my phone between my ear as I filled Theo's sippy cup with milk.

Naomi let out a long sigh. "I'm still over at my sister's house. Her boyfriend dumped her, Lee. On their anniversary. I can't just leave her here."

"Okay but you're going to make it home in time for bed right?" I restated, feeling the anxiety start to build inside of my chest. "Naomi, you have to be here."

"Lee, bedtime is simple," Naomi reasoned. "Make sure Theo finishes his milk, make sure he has Sir Hops A Lot and that you turn on the humidifier for his cold before you leave. He doesn't fuss when he goes down usually. Oh! And he likes the elephant nightlight now, it's on top of his dresser."

"Naomi I can't do this."

"It's your son, Lee. You can put him to bed."

I don't have a nurturing bone in my body. That's what Naomi is for.

I glanced over at Theo who was still strapped into his high chair, playing with the leftover spaghetti sauce.

"Are you still breathing?" Naomi questioned.


"You don't even have to bathe him," she reassured. "Just get him in bed."

"And you're sure I can't strap Theo in the car and come to you? Wouldn't a kid cheer your sister up?"

I could practically hear her rolling her eyes. "No, baby. What my sister needs right now is a shoulder to cry on and someone to support her. And what I need right now is for you to put Theo down."

"Mama!" Theodore shouted out. He threw his hands up in the air, spaghetti sauce flying.

"Tell Theo I love him. And I'll see him in the morning."

This time I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "I'm sure he'll comprehend that."

"Goodbye, Lee."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Are you coming home tonight?"

"I'll let you know a bit later."

I bid my goodbyes before turning to face my child.

Theodore smiled up at me, covered head-to-toe in sauce.

"Looks like bath time is on the schedule after all," I said, as I unhooked his high chair.

I took him into the master bath, giving him a bath as he told me a very lively story in baby gibberish.

"Milk," I said, handing him the sippy cup once I finished dressing him. "It's almost night night time."

He took a seat on the couch, his eyes focused on the TV show.

American Dad. Naomi would kill me.

I flipped the channel to Kids on Demand. Theodore's favorite show was currently PJ Masks, a show about kids fighting crime instead of sleeping.

Great message being spread.

Theodore liked to dance during the intro, and i took a video to send to Naomi.

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