[2] Teeth

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It had been four years since the brothers fled the orphanage, and weeks since the two had slept soundly, so the duo were grateful when the homeless shelter took them in with such open arms. Much to Everett's dismay his brother wasn't paying him the attention he usually would, tonight his eyes were stuck to the pretty girl that had served their food.

Oliver had never felt as he did now, it was completely out of character for him, he wanted to do unspeakable things with the girl. He didn't know how to explain it but her innocent allure had completely entranced him. He quickly ate the small portion of food he was given, his gaze never left her as she smiled brightly, serving the other poor saps who had wandered in off the streets.

Everett watched jealously as his brother rushed through his meal and approached the girl. They talked, she laughed and his eyes lit up at the sight, Everett was green with envy, why didn't Oliver treat him like this? As if he was the center of the universe and nothing else mattered.

Seething with anger he huffed and stabbed at the food on his tray, unlike his brother Everett barely ate when they were in between homeless shelters and was often sickly. Oliver was resourceful and had a stomach of steel, whether it be a live bird or the carcass of a stray cat he would greedily dig in. Evan remembers vividly the first time he'd watched his brother do so.

It had been winter, the dove was sleeping atop the ventilation system for a heater, happily basking in its warmth. Everett and Oliver huddled nearby attempting to keep one-another warm, but were interrupted by the growl that erupted from Oliver's stomach. His face screwed up in pain and he brought his brother closer to him, hoping to just ignore it but the sound came again.

"Ollie, please just eat the bread. I don't need it all," Everett finally spoke up, offering the stale slice to his brother. Oliver turned his head away, refusing to take the food from his hand as much as he wanted to. Evan sighed and turned back to admire the dove, it cooed softly in its slumber and seemed unfazed by the freezing wind that rushed down the alley.

Abruptly Oliver released his brother, Everett went to question him but was silenced by the hand that covered his mouth. "Quiet, you'll wake it," Oliver said, his voice hushed as he rose to his feet and slinked towards the feathered creature. Carefully he wrapped his hands around its small body awaking it and causing it to begin to cry in panic, it pecked at his fingers in an attempt to escape but to no avail.

"Oliver?" Everett frowned but let out a sudden yelp as Oliver clamped his teeth around it. He gaped at him as he gorged on the dove, it frail bones crunching and crimson blood staining its pretty white feathers. Oliver sniffled and looked down at his brother casually, chewing what was in his mouth. There was blood on his nose and chin as well as all around his mouth and with his sleeve he wiped a stray feather that had stuck to his face. Oliver gave Evan a toothy grin, displaying the innards of the bird that stuck to his teeth before taking another chunk out of the fowl.


Emilee lead Oliver to her foster home, she too had been an orphan but was lucky enough to be taken in by a loving mother-figure. She often returned late from volunteering at the shelter so her mother would be asleep. Oliver couldn't recall specifics but in a turn of events he found his lips pressed against hers, she was sweeter than anything he'd ever tasted and he soon became addicted. The night went on and the teen's soft kisses shortly becoming heated exchanges.

Oliver panted above the dazzling girl, his blond hair stuck to his sweat covered forehead as he kissed Emilee once more, trailing messy love-bites down her neck. Each one harsher then the next. His lips closed around her throat, he could feel it tremor with every moan she gave and this excited him even more. He threaded his fingers through her hair, tugging on it fiercely 'till she gave a cry of painful-pleasure.

Lost in the passion of the moment Oliver dug his sharpened teeth into her windpipe, bit-by-bit crushing it with the force of his jaw. She became dizzy, unable to do anything other than lay there as he buried himself within her. Not noticing the taste of blood that stained his mouth and her wheezing breaths. Finally Oliver peered at her face after noticing how unresponsive she had become, blood had pooled around her cheek as she laid there, having died minutes ago.

Oliver jumped back in shock, his naked body covered in dark blood. He scrambled to cover himself as he stared at her lifeless corpse. This wasn't one of his 'episodes', he couldn't blame this on anyone but himself, this was his doing. Oliver didn't mind that the girl was dead, or that he was the one to take her life. He was more concerned over the erotic feeling that tearing her open with his teeth had given him, it had been months since he'd tasted flesh, but this was the first time it had given him such a high.

Now Oliver understood what he had been feeling, now he craved it more than anything.


His brother didn't return to him until the early hours of the morning, but when he did Everett was joyous as he wrapped his arms around him and fell to sleep. Everett had been tossing and turning up until now, the dark thought that his brother mightn't return even dared to cross his mind. Though a smile stretched across his face as he inhaled the strong smell of blood on his brother's clothes, this was the Oliver he knew, this was the Oliver he loved.


[A/N] 6 years ago and 4 years following the last chapter, making Everett 11 and Oliver 14 if anyone was wondering. There really isn't much to say about this chapter, it was really to put some depth into Oliver's development to who he is now and give a peek of Everett's growing obsession. It was surprisingly fun to write and I hope equally fun to read, with that being said don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you again next time! :)

~ Fawn

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