Ride or Die; Literally

Start from the beginning

"Man don't know what to say still. You bless yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm cool. Where we going though blood?"

"Wherever init."

"Nah, take me home."

My eyes widened and I couldn't believe what Isiah had just suggested. Our home was number one target. Me and him were wanted and the people that were after us knew exactly where we lived.

"Alright then."

My eyes scrutinized as I looked at my brother and read his mind. I nodded and got my hand bag and pretended to be looking for something. I handed Isiah my gun slyly without Josh looking and clenched my teeth, waiting.

"Ey, Josh.."

"Ye- "

Isiah shot him in the leg and he screamed out in pain. Isiah got out of the car quickly and ran to the over side then opened the door, letting Josh collapse. Isiah pushed him to the back, where I was and told me to keep him hostage. I agreed and looked at him wearily as he shouted and cussed out loud in pain. Isiah began driving fast and I was sure we were going to crash.

"Who sent you?" Isiah asked him. Josh continued shouting in pain and didn't respond. "I asked you a fucking question, who sent you?"

"Craig and them!" He managed to shout.

"Where are they?"


"I swear on Esther's life if you don't fucking tell me- "

"They're all on ends!"

I looked outside the window and noticed that we were approaching our old area. Isiah did a U-turn and we were now driving in the opposite direction.

"If I find out that you're lying, Josh, I'll kill you."

"I swear!"

"Alright, Esther throw him out."

I opened the door and used all my strength to push him out of the moving car. I shut the door and Isiah locked all the doors afterwards.

"Isiah, have you lost your fucking mind?! You could go back into prison, and then what?!"

"I won't, trust me. I won't leave you again."

"Oh yeah, like you knew that you were going to leave me the first time, genius! And how did you know that Josh was- "

"Prison teaches you a lot of things. I've seen his type before way too many times."

"But he's been your friend since I can remember."

"Exactly, which is why Craig and them decided to use the person I'd least expect."

"Isiah, we're fucked."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. You're living in Luton now yeah?"


"I'm gonna drop you at the train station, alright?"

"No, I'm not leaving you!"

"I'm a grown man, I can take care of things."

"It's not safe, trust me!"

"I'll be fine!"


"Esth- "

"I'm not doing it. I'm not going anywhere."

"Please, if you loved me."

"What if something happens?"

"Nothing is going to happen, I'll be back next week to see you."


"I promise."

Give me your phone." He said. I gave it to him and he typed his number in and gave it back to him.

He took me to the train station and we hugged goodbye. I went back to Luton and walked back to my apartment that I was sharing with Heidi. I got in and I could hear what sounded like her and her boyfriend having sex in her room.

"It's only me!" I shouted not remembering that they'd be too caught up into each other, literally, to hear me or care.

I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. The Chinese I left in there was still intact, thankfully. I took it out, heated it up and ate it.

"Kyah, I didn't even hear you come in babe." Heidi said whilst walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I noticed." I joked

She laughed and sat down next to me. "Where did you go then babe?"

"Went to see some old friends." I lied.

"Really? Sounds fun."

"I take it you and Lucas are at it again then."

She bit her lip and started playing with her Swedish blonde hair; it enhanced her blue eyes. Heidi was beautiful.

"Yeah, we're thinking of getting married."

"Marriage? Wow."

We continued our chatter and I soon went to sleep as Lucas came down the stairs; I didn't like interrupting them much.

The next morning I was at work. I worked in a modeling agency, no I was not a photographer. I just did some make up. I was still an 'amateur' but it paid good so I was fine.

"Never put strong eye liner on in the day time. If you want to put on eye liner smudge it gently to give it a nice smoky look; perfect for the day time." Karen, a professional make-up artist, said to the model.

She started faffing with the models face and I picked out lipstick and blusher and applied it then she went off for her photoshoot.

Work soon finished and I was quite tired so I went straight home. I put my key in the door but I soon realised that the door was already open; as if someone had kicked it in. My heart beat increased automatically and I swallowed hard as I fearfully walked into mine and Heidi's home. Tears started gathering in my eyes as I saw the place completely trashed and no one in sight; Heidi didn't work and was usually at home with her boyfriend. My heart was now pounding as I walked into the living room and saw that trashed too.

"H-h-hello?" I called out.

Nobody answered. My breathing was abnormal and irregular; I was seriously scared.


She didn't answer either.

I reached into my bag and took out my gun and walked up the stairs wearily. Heidi's bedroom door was already open but not fully. I slowly walked towards it and gently opened it wider and my tears dropped. Heidi and Lucas, her boyfriend, were both on the floor covered in blood; they were dead. I covered my mouth to prevent my self from screaming in case the killers were still in the house. Heidi had a shot to the head whilst Lucas, to the abdomen. The blood was still seeping through their body and was covering their floor. I came back to my senses and ran across the corridor to my room and started packing. I took out my phone whilst holding my gun firmly in the other hand and called Isiah.

"Esther?! Are you okay?"

"Isiah, they found me. Josh snaked."

"Fuck! I should have seen this coming."

"What shall I do?"

"Are they in the house?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Alright, meet me at the train station in Luton."


"Oh and Esther?"


"You have a strap, don't be afraid to use it. You may have to now."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2010 ⏰

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