Mia played with my curls and complimented Ana on her good job. Ana beamed and began to play with them as well. "So, tell us. We're dying to know." Both girls looked at me seriously "Did you eat?" My stomach growled loudly before I could respond and I smiled sheepishly. Ana hugged me and told me what a good job I was doing. Mia rolled her eyes and pulled out a Hershey's bar. This shocked me more than anything these girls have said or done. Ana sighed and shook her head "Don't do it Mia. You will regret it later." Ana warned. Mia simply shrugged and devoured it. She offered me a piece but Ana quickly yanked me away. "She's done good today! " Ana shouted at her. Again Mia shrugged and walked away continuing to stuff her face.

Ana sighed when the warning bell rang. We hugged and went our separate ways. As first period began I realized I hadn't gone to the bathroom before class since I was talking with Ana and Mia. I asked and then left the class heading in the direction of the bathroom. I heard running water before I even got inside. Quickening my pace I rushed in and looked at all the faucets on full blast. The sinks were on the verge of overflowing! I turned them all off immediately. That's when I heard gagging sounds coming from the far stall. I stood deathly still as they continued. I didn't dare breath until I heard the sound of rushing water.

There were some shuffling noises before the stall clicked, it was being unlocked and Mia stepped out. My eyes went wide but her expression didn't change. Her hair was back in a ponytail and her face was a ghostly pale. She walked over to the only sink that was completely drained and spit into it, turning on the water again, she reached into her hand bag and pulled out a tooth brush with a small travel size container of tooth paste.

I stood there frozen looking at her in shock as she calmly rushed her teeth like it was the most normal thing in the world. That's when I realized, to her, this probably was her normal. I remembered my health teacher talking to us about eating disorders now. Bulimia was eating too much ,or binge eating ,and making your body purge itself of it. It was a serious problem with a lot of side effects but Mia didn't seem to care. She put the tooth brush away and pulled out some blush, applied it to her cheeks and put it away. She looked at me once and then walked out of the bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

On my way to lunch I passed my best friend. Or. My ex best friend I should say now. A guy wearing a varsity jacket had his arm slung over her shoulders. They were laughing until her eyes met mine. She said something to him and walked away from him, coming towards me. I noticed her thighs touching. I let myself laugh aloud. This stopped her in her tracks. She had hurt in her eyes and looked down at herself. I'm sure she saw her muffin top slightly hanging out over her jeans. I'm sure in that moment she felt the irritation of her thighs rubbing together. I saw her visibly suck it in and turn around. I don't know how she knew what I was thinking but she did. I held my head high as I walked past her. I heard her whisper "Fat ass." To her boyfriend. It didn't phase me. At least I knew what I was. I skipped lunch and hit up a vending machine instead. I grabbed a bottle of water and went to my locker.

I slid down the metal and set against the rows of lockers. I stretched my legs out but then looked down and brought them back in. I brought my knees to my chest and pointed my feet so that way the only thing that was touching the floor was my big toe. This made my legs looked less fat.

I heard footsteps and looked up in time to see Ana, Mia, and Cat coming down the hallway. Each of them had a bottle of water in hand. They saw me and smiled, all of them taking a seat across the hall from me. "Wheres Deb?" i asked curiously "Oh she isn't feeling well." Cat said simply with a shrug of her shoulders. I nodded and then I told them what had happened with my ex best friend and they laughed. "Wait until you prove them all wrong, Sue. Wait until they all look obese compared to you. That's the best revenge."

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