Ana & Mia

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I grabbed my tray and began walking over to the table where all my best friends were sitting, arranged in a tight circle around a small table. My first day of high school and everything was going great. My teachers were extremely nice to me, I was perfectly punctual to all of my classes, nothing good make the day run more smoothly. And now I was in my favorite class of the day, lunch. I looked down at my tray and smiled. Two large pieces of extra cheesy pizza, an extra large serving of greasy tater tots, and an apple which would most likely be discarded of later.

My mouth began to water in anticipation and I felt my stomach rumble. Apparently my 4 pancake tall stack with extra thick syrup and a smear of butter hadn't been enough. I looked up from my food just in time to see myself collide with a small blonde, wearing a pristine gold and white uniform. My tray flipped towards her as we collided, smashing my pizzas against her clean cheer leading outfit, leaving stains. My mouth fell open in shock as she looked down, seemingly confused at what had just happened.

"I-I-I'm so s-sorry-y" I stuttered out reaching towards a napkin that was lying on the floor. When i bent down, I felt a force push me, making me close the remaining space between me in the ground. I looked up to see what happened and was greeted with a thick stream of my chocolate milk. I didn't manage to shut my eyes or mouth as the liquid quickly covered my face, running down my neck and into my clothes, already seeping through. I gasped for air and tried to wipe away my eyes. I couldn't even comprehend what had just happened.

"Watch where you're going next time, fat ass." I heard a high pitched voice say. I sat there gasping not knowing what to do when I heard a single, distant chuckle. I was mortified. Who could laugh at something like this? But then, to my surprise, someone else joined. And then another person. and another. Soon I heard the entire cafeteria laughing loudly at me, shouting names, calling me fat, ugly, loser. I looked up at my friends for help but they too were laughing openly. When they all realized I was looking at them, they attempted to stifle their giggles, but to know avail. The damage was done.

I pushed myself off the floor and stood to face my peers. The loud laughter didn't stopped. They seemed to get louder as I faced them all directly. I looked down and noticed my t shirt had become almost completely see-through. I didn't see what they were laughing at. It was just my body. What was wrong with it? I didn't want to ask and find out, so I quickly side-stepped the spilled milk and dashed to the nearest bathroom.

Once inside, the laughter began to die down. I closed the door to a stall and pressed my back against it. It was only then did the sobs begin. Coming out of my mouth making me sound like I was chocking. Shaking my entire body. I clutched my sides and let the sadness crash over me like a wave. Whenever I would begin to calm down, I remembered my friends laughing at me, making no indication that they cared, and soon they would begin again.

I heard the bell ring and heard the sounds of chairs scraping against the ground, feet shuffling, doors closing.I didn't leave the comfort of my stall. I was about to start another round of sobs when two high pitched giggles filled the bathroom, bouncing around the walls. 'I know, they have come to make fun of me even more' I thought which produced another sob from my mouth.

The girls began to whisper at the sound. "Hello? Is anyone in hear?" One seemingly sweet voice asked

"Why don't you come out and talk to us?" The other asked.

"We won't hurt you." The first voice chimed in

I refused to respond and stayed as silent as I could. I stopped breathing and waited for them to leave. It had been a few minutes without any sound from the two, when suddenly, a face surrounded by a thick blonde mane of hair popped over the stall wall.

"Hi, I'm Ana." The girl said cheerfully. I shrieked and slid to the floor, covering my head with my arms and beginning to sob. "Please go away!" I cried out "I will do anything!!"

I heard synchronized 'awes' and heard Ana's voice again "Honey, whats wrong? Let us help you." I continued to sob, ignoring her, but her sweet voice continued. "Whatever it is, surely we can do something. And please, do us both a favor, and get off this disgusting floor."

I heard the other girl sigh "Really Ana? The girls in a lot of pain, obviously, and you comment about the placement of which she chose to break down? Come on."

I looked up at Ana and saw her shrug. She turned back to me and when she saw that my eyes were up, she gave me a warm smile. "Come on."

Slowly, by some force unknown to me, I forced myself out of the stall and into the open bathroom.

"There we are. Ana's voice cooed as she jumped down from the toilet in the stall next to the one I was in and walked out to greet me. Instantly she gave me a once over. "Oh honey, what happened to you?" She looked absolutely appalled at my see through shirt, puffy eyes, and over all messy appearance

The other girls voice chimed in behind me, making me jump as I had forgotten about her "You look absolutely horrid."

"Mia! You can't just tell her she looks horrid. Don't you think she knows that." Ana said while putting her hands on her hips. I took in Ana's appearance for the first time. Thick, lengthy blonde hair, baby blue eyes that you could see a mile away, small pouty lips, a sharp nose and jawline with very prominent cheekbones, her collar bones were clearly visible int he V-neck she was modeling, her shirt loosely hanging off her shoulders, tight skinny jeans displaying a thigh gap, and small petite feet.

"Now" she said with a soothing voice "Why don't we get you all cleaned up?"

I turned towards the mirrors and got my first glimpse of me. I could see why they were laughing. My wet T-shirt was clinging to the rolls in my sides, my belly button looked at least 4 inches wide, and the fabric had begun to inch up, revealing a thick slab of fat, poking out underneath. I gasped and yanked it down, looking back in forth ashamed. I felt the comforting arms of both Ana and Mia around me as I began to cry again.

When they pulled away I took the time to observe Mia.  Curly bright red hair, just as long as Ana's, mostly the same facial features, sharp edges, but with green eyes, thin neck,  she looked like she belonged in a magazine. Her black tank top however, clung to her tightly, showing off a large amount of cleavage that Ana lacked, her ribs poked out playfully, along with her hip bones that were visible due to her low cut jeggings, which also showed off her very prominent thigh gap.

Both girls were stunningly beautiful. Both in very different ways. Ana being the tiny blonde you saw in pictures with the guy holding her up like a trophy. Mia like the girls you see in the movies, riding away on the back of her boyfriends motor cycle. Both were extremely small, and bother probably weighing under 110 lbs.Ana was about 5'6" and Mia about 5'9".

I couldn't understand why these girls were helping me, but they were. Mia pulled out a very large, at least for her, boyfriend sweater out of her handbag. It fit me like a regular sweater but I was happy for something clean and dry. Ana pulled out her make up bag and covered up blemishes on my face I didn't even know were there until she pointed them out. They both put eyeliner on me, something I had never worn, and they both did the best they could with my hair. In all honesty, I looked better than when I first got to the school.But now, for the first time in my life, did I feel fat.

The words 'fat' and 'diet' were like cuss words in my house. We had no scale, we counted no calories, I had not the slightest clue I was overweight. The girls nodded sympathetically as I told them how clueless I was. "I never want to feel like this again." I told them firmly. "Can you help me?"

They both looked at each other and seemed to silently agree. Together they responded "Of course we will."

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