Chapter Nineteen

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After composing myself, I had quickly grabbed my bag and checked everything was in it. Ducking into the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face and pinched my cheeks, trying to hide the traces of my tears. By the time Dean opened the door, I was almost calm. Almost.

"Woah, sunshine, it's only me." Dean reached out a gentle hand as I'd jumped when the door had opened, grabbing the knife on the table by instinct.

I shakily lowered the knife, running my hand over my face which I could tell was bright red with embarrassment. "Sorry, Dean. I guess I'm still a bit jumpy."

"Its ok, no harm done." He looked around the dingy motel room. "Where's Sammy?"

"Uh... not here?" I avoided his eyes. "I'm not sure where he went."

Dean eyed me suspiciously for a moment. "Ok, I'm just gonna come right out and say it. To be honest, I thought I'd be interrupting something... you know, when I came back. That is why I'd left in the first place. What happened?"

"I... I told Sam that I wanted to come with you guys, with him and... and he told me that he didn't want me." I sniffled slightly, feeling the tears I'd hoped were banished returning in full force.

Dean's jaw dropped and he looked completely flabbergasted. "He... you... what?!"

I slumped onto one of the beds, leaning forward to place my head in my hands. "I wanted to go with you, leave Banshee and help hunt monsters. I wanted to be with Sam. When he first said no, I just assumed it was because it's a dangerous life, but then he said that he didn't want me."

"Well, it is dangerous, and we'd have to talk long and hard before reaching a decision about you coming with us. But... what about that kiss at the farmhouse? That looked serious!" Dean sat opposite me, leaning forward cautiously.

"I thought so too, but I guess not."

A knock at the door startled us both, and Dean leaped up and peeped through the curtain. Looking back at me with a grim smile, he opended the door to reveal Sam. I looked down at my bag and stood up, making a pretense of checking everything was ready.

"Ok, Dean, I'm all ready. Will you drop me off on your way out of town?" I brushed my hair out of my face and looked at Dean, ignoring Sam completely.

Dean glanced at Sam before nodding. "Yeah, of course. Just let us get our stuff."

I smiled tightly and walked out the door, pausing as Sam moved out of my way, heading towards the Impala. As I waited, tipping my head back to enjoy the sunshine, I thought about how much my life had changed in the space of a few days. How was I supposed to go back to school, go back to work, after all of this? I would always know about the evil out there, how could I turn my back on it?

The sound of the trunk closing shook me from my thoughts, and I turned to see the brothers watching me. I pulled on a false smile and threw my bag in the backseat. "Lets go."

The silence was almost overwhelming in the car, with Dean throwing me sympathetic glances in the rear view mirror as Sam again stared out the window. Pulling up out front of my home, I sat in the car for a bit longer, hoping to delay the moment of seeing my mum and step-dad for a bit longer. Sighing, I collected my bag and got out of the car.

"Mila, wait." Dean hopped out as well, handing me a folded up piece of paper. "Here. If you need anything, anything at all, and can't contact us, call this guy. Bobby Singer. He'll help you in every way he can."

I nodded and tucked the paper into my back pocket. "Thank you, Dean. For everything."

He nodded once more and hopped back behind the wheel. I paused for a moment, wondering if Sam would say goodbye or not. Sighing, I stepped around to the window and tapped the glass until he wound it down.

"Thank you, Sam. For helping me to help my friends." I swallowed past the lump in my throat. "Look after yourself. Please."

I turned and headed towards my house, pulling my bag higher on my shoulder, when a car door shut behind me.


I turned back in time to be engulfed in a warm, hard hug. I breathed in deeply, inhaling the heady scent I knew I would recognise anywhere. "Sam."

"You look after yourself too, Mila. I know you'll be much happier here, with your family, where you're safe and sound."

Pulling back, I swiped a stray tear away. "I'd feel safer with you, Sam. Please, please let me come with you."

Sam frowned as he pushed me to arm's length away. "No, Mila. Goodbye."

I let the tears trickle down my cheeks as he got back in the car and Dean took off, waving once out the window. As I watched the car disappear into the distance, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd ever see them again. I stood there long after they'd gone, staring at the horizon, watching the sun set, and still no-one came out to question why I was standing in the driveway. I wondered if they had even noticed I wasn't at work or in my room.

Sighing, I turned and headed into the house. It was time to move on, and put the past couple of days behind me. After all, there was no such thing as monsters, right?

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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