Chapter Ten

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Sam looked me in the eyes when he answered.

"Monsters. There are monsters out there in the world and it's out job to hunt them down and kill them before they hurt too many people."

"What sort of monsters? Like murderers and rapists, that kind of thing?"

Dean cleared his throat gruffly.

"Not exactly, Mila. More like ghosts, werewolves, vampires, wendigos, those kind of things."

I stared at him for a moment, before turning to look at Sam, who met my gaze and nodded slowly.

"Ok, so that thing last night was a... a..."

"A vampire, yeah."


I tuned out for a moment and looked out the window, trying to get my head around this. I was attacked by a vampire. A vampire! Oh God, this wasn't happening!

"Right, ok, so... what the hell?! You gotta give me more than that, my head is spinning in circles right now! Help me out, guys, please!"

Dean set his beer down on the table. "Ask anything you want, and we'll tell you."

I sat in silence for a moment, gathering my thoughts.

"So... you two, you hunt down monsters no-one knows about, kill them before the hurt too many people, and then move on to the next hunt?"

Sam nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I guess, that's pretty much it."

"You guys are heros."

Sam and Dean both stared at me, completely gobsmacked. Dean recovered first, leaning forward to check my head.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright? Maybe you hit your head harder than we thought."

I pushed Dean's hands away firmly, frowning at him.

"I'm fine, Dean. Why would you say that?"

"We just told you we hunt down crazy things that no-one believes in and you call us heros?! There has got to be somethung wrong with you!"

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence, Dean!"

Sam shook his head.

"He's right, Mila. Other people we've told the truth to either run for the hills or try and send us to the loony bin. No-ome just sits there and calls us heros."

I smiled smugly and leaned back agaist the bedhead.

"Well, maybe I'm not like every one else. The way I see it, you are working hard to save us from dangers we aren't even aware of and you don't get any credit or, I'm guessing, payment. What else would you call it?"

"The worst job in the world!" Dean sipped on his beer, shaking his head at me. "You are really something else, Mila."

I felt my cheeks flush and sneaked a peek at Sam. He was gazing at me in wonder.

"You're not scared?"

"Of you? No. Of the crazy monster from last night? Yes."

"Fair enough."

Sam chuckled lightly before idly stroking my hand. This just about sent my heart into overdrive, but I enjoyed it too much to try and pull away. I tried to distract myself with more questions.

"So... how did you guys get into this line of work anyway? Have you been doing it long?"

Sam looked down at the ground while Dean sipped his beer and looked towards the window. Ok, was this awkward or what?

"You know what, never mind, that was way too personal. I'm sorry I asked."

Sam quickly looked up at me.

"No, its ok, it's just difficult to talk about sometimes. Our mum, she was... she was killed by a demon when I was six months old and Dean was four. After that, our dad raised us in this life, hunting things, saving people, its like the family business, I guess."

"My god, I am so sorry."

Tears rose behind my eyes and threatened to spill over. I complain about my mother all the time, but I know I would be devasted if she was taken away from me. I couldn't imagine growing up without either of my parents, not to mention learning how to hunt. Dean took another swig and looked back towards me.

"Yeah, well, it was a long time ago, and we have more pressing matters right now, like that vampire from last night. It's extremely rare for vampires to work alone, so I'm willing to bet that there is a nest nearby."

"A nest? Of vampires? You think they killed Mike and took Ana and Jenna?"

Sam glanced at Dean, wordlessly conversing for a moment. Dean gave a slight nod and Sam turned back to me.

"It is the most likely option. But you need to be prepared for the possibility that just because they killed Mike in the alley and lured the girls, doesn't mean they are ok. They might be keeping them alive and draining their blood, or they might even have turned them. If we find the nest and find the vampires, we might not be finding Ana and Jenna as you knew them."

I inhaled deeply and nodded.

"I understand. There are no guarantees. So how do we find them?"

Dean stood and walked away while talking.

"Well, if they ventured into town, they would have stood out in their appearance and behaviour. They have very pale skin and their eyes are almost always dark. They are loud and like to party. Their nest will most likely be an abandoned building on the outskirts of town that no-one would really notice if they set up base."

My mouth dropped as I listened to Dean's explanation. Something told me I knew exactly who the vampires were, and that I'd somehow known all along. But I had to make sure.

"So, would they have purple circles under their eyes?"

"Yes, some try to cover it with make up but you can always tell." Sam nodded.

"And this place, it could be like an old farmhouse that no-one uses anymore?"

Dean stood up straighter. "Yeah, that would probably be perfect for them."

I took a deep breath and rubbed my palms over my legs. My throat still ached and all this talking wasn't helping. But I needed to do this. For Ana. For Jenna.

"Then I know who they are and where their nest is."

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