"I went over to his house, and we went to his room. He came into his room shirtless and, I kinda stared. He came over and kissed me and started touching me. I tried to leave but he stopped me. I screamed and is mom came in and go him off of me." I looked at my wrists and they were bruised all the way around from Zac's hands. Harry saw them and gently kissed them. "I'm sorry, I should've stayed with you." "It's okay Rydel. I'm not mad at you. I just can't believe my so called friend did this to my best friend." I'm his best friend? Since when? I just nodded and sat on the floor. Harry sat next to me and put an arm around me. "I feel so bad. What can I do?" Harry whispered. "I don't know at this point. Just keep your stupid friend away from me." I said as I looked into Harry's green eyes. "I promise love. With my life, oh and he's not my friend anymore." I smiled. Harry kissed my head and got up. He was so warm, I miss his presence. I got up and went to sit on the couch. God, I am freezing. I saw a blanket on the floor and I picked it up and covered myself with it. "You cold?" Harry asks. "Yea, I ran from Zac's house to here without my jacket. Not fun Harry." I said back. He chuckled. He sat down with me, I scooted close to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me. This is really nice. My eyes started getting heavy, then I was over come by darkness. 


I heard laughing and Harry talking to someone. It sounded like Liam, as in Liam Payne. I opened my eyes and rubbed them.

 "I swear to God, I thought I was dreaming. I also thought I heard Liam's voice. Guess not." I laughed. "Nope, just me and you." He kept starring at the one wall by the hallway. I got up and moved by his side, and saw Liam Payne. My jaw dropped.

'Don't fangirl. Control yourself.'  I thought. "Ugh. I knew I heard you." He smiled and came closer to me and Harry. My heart was beating so fast. "Yeah, you must be Rydel. Harry's friend." "That's me, and your Liam. The smart one." I looked at him and he laughed along with Harry. "I'm guessing that you have watched the video diaries. Who's the rest of them?" 

Okay, now he trying to quiz me? Easy. "Liam, is the smart one. Harry, the flirt. Zayn is vain, Niall is the funny one. Louis is the leader." They both looked at me. "Wow, smart girl." Harry said. I smiled up at him, he put his arm around my tiny waist. "Thanks, I should... um... get going." I walked over to the couch and grabbed my iPhone, and my jacket and walked to the door. "No, please stay. Please." Harry begged. 

They want me to stay? Why? I'm just a fan. There's nothing really special about me. "Your not just fan." Did I think out loud? I thought about it. "Alright, I'll stay." We sat in the living room talking about everything and anything. I told them about my life, and some things that I didn't know about them. Soon later, Harry left the room with a phone call. Harry then came out with a smile on his face. Me and Liam looked at him with confusion on our faces. Harry came over and whispered in Liam's ear, he then smiled at me. "What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" They said nothing and we just continued talking. 

*2 hours later* 

I'm still at Harry's place talking to him and Liam. While we were talking, we got interrupted by a knock on the door. The boys smiled at each other and Liam went and got the door. Harry quickly came over and covered my eyes. "Harry what the hell?" I said. "It's a surprise love." God, I hate surprises with a burning passion. "Harry, I hate surprises. Like, a lot." I said again. "Your going to LOVE this one though." He said really expressing the word 'love'. All I heard was someone going 'shh' when I started hearing mumbling. "Ready Rydel?" Is he serious? "No." "Too bad." Liam said. 

Harry slowly uncovered my eyes, and I opened them. I want to die! Right now! Someone kill me! Right before my eyes, I see 5/5 One Direction members standing in front of me. "Hi love, I'm-" "Louis Tomlinson." I cut him off, speaking calmly. They all smiled at me. "So, Harry. This is the beautiful girl that you won't shut up about?" Niall said in his hot Irish accent. Harry shot him a glare, and Niall threw his hands up in surrender. "Hi guys, I'm Rydel. No need to introduce yourselves, I know who all of you are." They smiled at me. "Guys, Rydel here is a directioner. How 'bout that?" Liam said. "Shut it Liam." I said. Zayn laughed. 

We all at down and talked, laughed, and enjoyed ourselves. I checked my twitter because it was going off. "Sorry guys, Twitter." I smiled. "You have a Twitter?!" Louis screamed. "Yeah, I do." I said back. "Are you following us?" Liam asked. I nodded. They all pulled out their phones. "What's your Twitter thing?" Harry asked. "Um... it's... @Harry'slocks87." Harry's face brightened. "That's a great name." He said. Then my Twitter started blowing up. I looked and saw they all followed me back. "Why did you guys follow me back?" "We can't follow our friend back on Twitter?" Zayn said. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. 

*1 more hour passed* 

"Okay, this has been a great day, but I really have to go now." They all whined. "Can one of you drive me home?" I asked nicely. "I will." Harry said. He winked and I felt my cheeks turn red. "Okay, let's-" My stupid phone. I answered. Mom. 

M. Honey, are you okay? You should be home by now.

Ry. Yeah mom, I'm fine. I'm at  friends house. I'll be home soon.

M. Okay, just be safe. Please, I don't need to loose another child.

Ry. I know mom, your not going to looks me. I promise. See you soon. I'm with good people. 

I said a little loudly to let the boys hear. I hung up, and walked to the boys who were standing waiting for a hug or something. "Do you guys want a hug or something?" The nodded. I gave each of them a small hug. Niall gave me the biggest. "Horan hug?" I said, but it came out more  like a question than a statement. "Yup." He said, popping out the 'p'. I laughed, and Harry and I walked out to his car. 

I looked out the window most of the time. We got to my house and I got out. Harry got out too. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and hugged me. I flinched at first, but then hugged back. "I'll see you around Rydel, we can hang out soon yeah?" I smiled and nodded. "Sure, see you around Styles." He let go and kissed my forehead. I walked away with butterflies in my stomach. I heard in the distance a few cameras going off? Oh boy, it better not be the paps. I smiled back at Harry. 

I think I'm falling hard for Harry...

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