Chapter 30

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Justin p.o.v.

Alisha and I came back to LA early and decided to move in together. It's been about a week since tori left and I haven't heard anything about her. I guess that's a good and bad thing. Even though I'm not with tori anymore, I still miss her. I've been writing a lot about her. I keep feeling so guilty for leaving her the way I did. Letting my actions speak louder then my words. The last greatest memory I have of us, was the night we made love. That's mostly why I felt so guilty. Not even two months after we had given ourselves to each other, I left. I feel like such an asshole. I wanted to redeem myself but it was too late. She already left. I wanted to speak to someone who could tell me what I should do. The only problem with that, was everyone hated me.

"Hey. I need help. Please just call back. I want to make things right. Your my brother. I love you man." I rubbed my hand on my forehead. What am I supposed to do? I let the tears cascade down my face silently.

Alisha came down stairs just as I had hung up the phone. She knew what had been going through my head and all she wanted to do was help me. The thing is, every time Alisha would do something it would remind me of tori. I hated the fact that I couldn't be happy with Alisha.

"Babe, come on let's get your mind off of it" Alisha grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. She handed me a blunt and laid on the bed. She lit them up and we just sat in bed smoking. 

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