Something Between Us ||Narry||

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A/N : New story!! So I had this idea from a story on AO3, I think it's called "Are you there god, it's me Niall" I'm sorry if its not the title but I'm making this as different as possible! So enjoy! ;)


Niall trudged down the stairs with half opened eyes and a yawn escaping his lips.

"Morning Sweetheart."

Niall had muttered a response to his husband, completely ignoring him and making his way to the fridge. His eyes were completely open when he saw the carton of orange juice, looking ready to be chugged down straight from the carton.

"I know what you're thinking there babe- don't!" Harry had snatched the carton away from a not so happy Niall.

"Harreh.. Can you just- ugh!" Niall groaned and reached for the carton but Harry was a good 3 inches taller so that was a lost cause.

"No, unless you drink it in a glass like normal person" Harry said, smirking at his poor husband.

"Harry. I may be 3 years younger but I'm your husband not your child! Gimme!" Niall whined, making Harry chuckle.

"Just drink it in a glass Ni!"

"Would that make you happy?"

"Very much, yes"

"Are you sure?"

"Niall.. Babe, I know-" Niall had Harry pressed against the counter, bodies pressed together and Niall rolled his eyes when Harry just kept talking.

He pressed his lips gently on Harry's, moving his hips slightly and making Harry gripping them, pulling Niall's body even more closer.

Harry was about lift Niall up when Niall had somehow snatched the carton of orange juice that was placed behind Harry and cackled, (yes, cackled) while running away.

Harry groaned, looking down at his obvious hard on.


How was it! Please tell me what you think by commenting or even tweeting me @narryinparadise! :) vote and follow me if you want thank you! xx

Something Between Us ||Narry||Where stories live. Discover now