I'm not perfect

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I'm sorry I'm not perfect

I tried, I really did

and when you say that I am, I know that you haven't seen the real me

because if you did you would have fled in fear

just like everyone else had done before you.

And like them I know it too

I know I am a monster

hidden in the disguise of a human girl

so why do you keep playing with me

I don't want to be broken again

I don't think that I have anything left to be broken

so just leave like everybody

I can already feel my tears

                I'm sorry I'm not perfect.


Okay so this is the end of another one, and this is actually some thing I wrote this year it was something that I wrote when I was having some guy issues, and we all now how that goes. Yeah this was actually inspired when a boy I had met had gotten a crush on me basically the day that I met him ( as far as I can tell) ( after awhile I think that I may had started to have felling's for him) and he had once said that he wasn't able to go to a certain place with me and my friends and then later on when we (my friends and I) were at this place we ( my friends and I) saw him there with hang out with a bunch of girls (like around five) and I my mind they were all really pretty ( and my type of jealousy is odd, I get more down and sad and think that I can't stand a chance ( when it comes to romantic type of jealousy), then awhile after this had happened ( my a week or two maybe less) we were hanging out with one of our friends and then he had left me alone for two hours and then came back and talked with me for a few minutes and left again for another hour or more, and I am not sure where in the time frame it happened but this poem was born.

anyway thanks for reading this I love you all my munchkins.

book of a little bit of everythingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora