s o m e t h i n g f o u n d

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The morning light broke through the dust ridden drapes that hung off the aged windows of Alice's bedroom in Number 12 Grimmauld Place, rousing the teenager from her dream-riddled sleep and causing her to groan at the intrusive light that burned against her eyelids. It was taking longer than she thought for her to become desensitized to light but to her it was worth it to be able to see again. 

When she had been escorted in last night by Albus, she had been eagerly welcomed by Molly Weasley and was also introduced to several others that Albus said were in the Order of the Phoenix, a group dedicated to stopping a dark wizard named Voldemort. She hadn't been told much about him, just the basic history of who he was and about a boy around her age named Harry Potter, the supposed Savior of the Wizarding World. Alice felt bad for the teenager, so much had been put dropped on his shoulders and she was sure that there was only going to be more to come. 

"Are you ready to go or are you just going to sit there like some dunderhead?" the voice of Severus Snape sounded from the entryway to her bedroom, causing a small cry of surprise to leave Alice's mouth. Flustered, she hurriedly grabbed the small bag that Mrs. Weasley had given her the night previous and rushed to the side of the greasy-haired man. 

"Uh, yes, ready to go," she avoided making direct eye contact with the man in fear that his gaze alone would cause her to combust into a million tiny particles. He led her downstairs and into a room that only had a fireplace on the far wall with a small jar on the mantle. Snape walked, no, glided, over to the fireplace, his cloak billowing behind him like a superhero's cape. He dug his hand into the jar on the mantle and pulled out a handful of what looked like a black powder. 

With a small toss, the black substance fell into the flames, turning them a vivid, bright, green. Snape dug his hand back into the jar, pulling out more of the black powder and extending his arm out to her. 

"Step into the flames and throw this down and say, Diagon Alley. Let's hope you don't screw it up and land in some fireplace across the city." Snape said drolly, almost as if this was all beneath him and that any common person should know this information.

"What is it?" Alice questioned, taking the powder from the sullen man and inspecting it close to her face. 

"Floo Powder. No more questions," he abruptly turned and walked into the flames saying the words he had told her to only a minute before. 

Standing alone in the empty foyer, Alice couldn't help but become a bit scared at the feeling of isolation. Wasting no time, she stepped into the flickering green flames, "Diagon Alley," and with those words she was whisked off into a series of flickering living rooms until she landed with a huff onto the floor of what looked like a dingy pub. The floor was scratched and had several black streaks across its wooden surface. 

She looked up to see a black cloak float out the door and she quickly realized that it was her escort who had seemingly abandoned her on the floor in front of almost a couple dozen strangers. A heat crept up her pale cheeks, painting the skin pink with embarrassment. 

Alice picked herself off the floor, brushing the stray bits of dirt off of her dress, and rushed out of the pub, stopping to marvel at the street before her. The path was paved with stones and on either side were buildings of varying height, each more unique than the last. A few had signs advertising their peculiar products, and everything seemed to overload her senses. There were people milling around in different colored cloaks and pointed hats. The street itself seemed to breathe excitement and happiness.

 The street itself seemed to breathe excitement and happiness

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