"King me!" Bella smiled, showing her hand, which had two kings. The others groaned and complained as Bella dragged the poker chips over to her.

"It's not fair! She doesn't even know what we're playing!" Stan complained.

"Just because I don't know the name, doesn't mean I can't know the game," Bella folded her arms. The ground of friends and family heard an electric guitar being playing from outside.

"Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station in my head," Ria said, picking at her ear.

"Try blinking to see if you can change the channel," Stan said. Ria blinked a few times, but nothing happened.

"Daaaaaannnyyyy!" Stacey sung from outside.

"Ugh, sounds like Stacey," Ford rolled his eyes.

"Stacey? Is she that one I see making goo-goo eyes at Danny all the time?" Mabel asked.

"She called me 'Big Chick' once," Ria said. "I mean, I know I'm a big chick, but it kinda hurt."

"Should I sic Gompers on her again?" Stan asked. The goat started chewing on his shirt. "Woah, easy tiger."

"I'll handle it," Ford said, standing up. He walked outside. Stacey was calling for Dan. "You realize he's not here, right?"

"Pfft, yeah," Stacey looked confused. "What."

"He's camping with his family," Ford said, then spoke under his breath. "Maybe if you listened to him, you'd know that."

"Um, what was that?" Stacey glared.

"I said he's not here," Ford said.

"Oh no, you want to get into it, kid?" Stacey asked. "Then let's get into it! You think I don't know what's going on? It's obvious that you have a thing for my boyfriend!"

"W-what?! No I don't!" Ford denied. "I'm not- I'm straight!"

"Yeah, ok, I'm sure you are, and I'm sure he's just dying to ask out a thirteen-year-old boy," Stacey said sarcastically. "Hey, how about I call him right now? Ask if he wants to go on a date with you?"

She pulled out her phone, dialing Dan's number.

"Hey! No, you don't have to-!" Ford tried to stop her.

"'Oh, don't, please!'" Stacey mimicked Ford, her thumb hovering over the 'Call' button. "What are you gonna do, kid? Huh?"

She pressed the button, calling Dan. He answered after only one ring.

"Hello?" Dan spoke. Ford smacked the phone out of Stacey's hand. The phone broke upon hitting the ground.

"My phone!" Stacey gasped.

"I-I'll buy you a new one!" Ford promised nervously.

"Oh no, you're not getting off that easily!" Stacey snapped. She picked Ford up by his collar, preparing to punch him.

"HEY!" Stan yelled from the window. "I know a fight when I see one! Stay right there!"

He disappeared back inside, and Stacey dropped Ford to the ground.

"You. Me. Circle Park," Stacey growled, walking away. "We finish this."

"Aw, she's gone!" Stan said, showing up with his brass knuckles. "I was gonna show her what happens when you mess with my brother."

Relativity Falls- Season One Where stories live. Discover now