Sidney's POV-

I sat in the kitchen waiting for Devon to come down. She really had me scared last night with that night terror of hers. She had told me that she was having issues with nightmares but I had no clue that they were this bad.

“Stop looking so worried.” I hear coming from behind me. Devon looked at me and smiled. “I'm fine. More than fine actually.” She tells me as she walks up to give me a quick hug.

“You really freaked Mom and Dad out last night.” I tell her. She nodded.

“Did you tell them?” She asked me.

“I had to.” I told her. She looked down sadly and nodded again.

“It's better out in the open now anyway.” She tells me. I was glad she wasn't mad about it. “I expect your parents are going to want to talk about it though?” She asks.

“Yeah. Most likely.” I tell her.

“Not if you don't want to.” We hear from the dinning room entrance. It was my mother. Dad had already left for work but my mother stuck around to make sure that Devon was okay. She hugged her gently. “Are you alright dear?” Devon nodded and smiled to reassure her.

“It's just the nightmares. They come and go.” She told us.

“That wasn't a nightmare, dear.” My mother tells her. I could tell that Devon knew what she was getting at. “Have you not slept alone since all of this happened?” She asked my best friend and Devon shook her head.

“I have, at home but my nightmares were lived so I wasn't aware of the nightmares until I started sleeping here. No one knew about them because I hid them. Last night was different. All the other times, I slept with Sid, so I guess maybe it gave me a slight sense of security and that's why the terrors didn't start until last night.” She explained to us. “The nightmares stopped in intensity when...” She looked down to the floor, guilt on her face. I knew what she didn't want to fess up because she didn't want to loose my parents' respect. “Because Shane found me after he moved back and since then, he'd hold me so I could fall asleep.” My mother wrapped her arms around her again.

“I see.” She says. “Then I guess we'll have to make sure that Shane stays around then.” My mouth dropped at that statement. I could tell that Devon was as shocked as I was. “Oh dear, don't look so shocked. I know we're traditional but this is different.”

“What are you saying?” Shane walks in.

“Your father and I were talking and we still think you should move into the garage apartment, with Devon.” She says. “Keep in mind, it's still part of our home and we expect proper behaviour.”

“What?” Devon says and looks at me with a Is she on crack? kind of look.

“You heard right dear.” My mother cupped her cheek in her hand. “You're graduating high-school in a week, you're going off on your own soon enough.”

“Mom, are you and Dad sure about this?” Shane asked her. She looked at him and nodded with a bittersweet smile.

“We are.” She says. “Just promise me something. The both of you.” She looked over at Devon and my brother. “You will take care of eachother, no matter what.” Shane looked at Devon and smiled at her.

“I plan on it.” Shane says. I felt like crying as I watched. My big brother, the ladies man and my best friend; together. I couldn't be any happier, honestly.

“You promise?” Devon looks up at him.

“I do.” He looks down at her and kisses her forehead. My mother found me and hugged me.

“And when do we meet this Tony boy?” I pulled away and blushed in surprise. “Mother's know these things.” I looked at Shane and he winked at me as he hugged Devon from behind.

“Some day, when these two decide to tie the knot perhaps?” I say and laugh. Devon gave me a dirty look that made me giggle some more.

Devon and I sat in my room, studying, yet again. I will be happy when finals were over; but for the time being, I needed a massively long break. I got up and started stripping.

“What are you doing?” Devon asked me.

“Going for a shower and then I think I'm heading out to meet up with Tony at school. You wanna come?” I asked her. I knew she wouldn't. My brother was working in the room next to ours so I knew that she wouldn't stray to far, especially with Mom out of the house. She had told me a little about what he had done to her last night, sparing the details that would make me want to hurl, of course. I had to applause her efforts for what followed this morning.

“I think I'm going to have a swim and then, well, who knows.” She winks at me and giggles.

“You're pure evil.” I tell her as I start walking out. “Hey. I love you, you know.” I smile at her as I leave.

“Love you too!” I hear as she hollers it after me.

Shane's POV-

I knew she was sitting there, in my sister's room by herself but I still had so much work left to do that I didn't want to pull away. I jumped when I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door and the clicking noise it made when the knob is turned. I turned and saw Devon poke her head in with a smile.

“I'm heading for a dip in the pool if you're game.” I shook my head as I watched her walk away. “Suit yourself. You know you have the rest of the day and all night to work on that, not to mention tomorrow, right?” Was she justifying my break for me? Before I could say anything, I heard the sliding glass patio door slide open and then shut. I rushed to my bedroom window as I watched her shed her towel and dive into the pool. She's so graceful. Damn!

Devon's POV-

I was on my tenth lap when I felt arms sneak around me and pull me toward them. I felt a kiss on the back of my neck that sent shivers down my spine.

“You sure know how to distract a guy.” I hear and immediately smile at Shane's voice.

“Nah. I know when it's time to take a break.” I say and he turns me to face him. “Wanna race?” And I push him back and swim to the side of the pool.

“Winner gets what?” He asks me. I laughed a sly laugh.

“Hmm. How 'bout our first home cooked meal in the apartment?” I ask him.

“Sounds great.” He tells me. “I'm looking forward to you cooking tomorrow night.” He winks and off he goes. I charged after him. I thought it funny that after him dominating the first five laps, that he was slowing down and I had managed to pass him. As I circled under the water, like a pro, he caught my arms and pulled me up, onto him, letting my arms go, he wrapped his around my waist and held me tightly against him.

“I guess I'm cooking.” He tells me.

“Not fair!” I say.

“Sure it is. You've always been able to beat me with these races since we were kids, D.” He tells me. “Besides, I already had plans for us, for dinner tomorrow.”

“What's that?” I asked him.

“It's for me to know and it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it?” He says.

“I didn't say winner gets a surprise, Shay.” I continued. “I said dinner.” And he changed the subject with the most amazing kiss that made my knees weak. I felt him smile on my lips.

“You were saying?” He whispers.

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