Shane’s POV-

I carried her to her room and opened her door. As I bent over her bed, I felt her soft hands reaching up around my neck. As I pulled away slightly, I noticed those beautiful emerald green eyes of hers looking at me. She was biting her lower lip. Once she was down on her bed, her arms retracted until I felt her hands on the back of my neck, pulling me in. I caved. I lowered myself beside her as I let her kiss me. I parted my lips to let her have a taste. She moaned in my mouth as I pulled away from her.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing.” I said as I nuzzled her cheek and tried to catch my breath. “It’s getting late. I should go.” I tell her. She nodded quietly. I knew she didn’t want me to go and frankly, neither did I. So I decided to stay for a bit longer. I laid a kiss in her neck as she arched into me. I felt the electricity firing off of every nerve in my body, a thirst screaming inside my head to be quenched. My pants were slowly shrinking around me as I felt Devon’s hands slowly glide on my skin, under my shirt. I shivered and then groaned when I felt her grind herself up against me. I went for her jugular, nipped there, backed up to see her face and show her that we’d be in a world of trouble if she kept that up.

“We can’t.” I tell her out of breath.

“I know.” She tells me and lays a kiss barely on my lips. “I think you should go.” I nodded. She followed me as I got up and walked me to her door. I cupped her face in my hands and gave her one last long passionate kiss.

“Sweet dreams.” I tell her.

“You too.” She tells me. I left her to her own devices as I crossed the hall and went to my own room. I pulled my shirt off and dropped my pants and kicked them off to the side. I peeled back my sheets and got under, leaving them down by my waist, I let the breeze from my ceiling fan cool me off from the residue of heat that got stirred up between Devon and I.

Devon's POV-

I changed into my pyjamas and lay in my bed feeling alone. I rolled over, onto my side and found the pillow that Shane had been lying on. I noticed it had a faint smell of his cologne. I smiled as I pressed my nose back into my pillow. I found myself drifting off to sleep, thinking about Shane.

I felt arms around me as I woke up thrashing about, screaming. My eyes snapped open and I realized I was back in my room, the lights were on, Mr. and Mrs. Donitelli and Sidney stood in the doorway with Shane holding me to calm me down. I could see I had everyone worried. Mrs. Donitelli had tears in her eyes as she held on to her husband. I turned and hid my face into Shane's chest as I held on to him for dear life. I cried uncontrollably. How was I going to explain this now?

Sidney's POV-

I was woken up by a blood curdling scream that shook me to my core. I jumped out of bed and instinctively knew where to go. I got to Devon's room and noticed her bedroom door was open. Mom and Dad were coming down the hall worried senseless judging by their faces. We all entered Devon's room and I flicked the switch to shed some light and see what was going on. We found Shane trying to stop her from thrashing about. When she began to calm, her eyes snapped open and I felt better almost immediately because I knew she was awake. I could tell she didn't expect us being around and she instinctively cowered away from us and hid in Shane's chest. Shane turned to us and waved us away, silently reassuring us that things were okay. I stood outside her room as Dad was the last one of us three out and shut the door behind us.

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