Fav // Useless | Steve Rogers

Start from the beginning

"We'll find her. Don't worry."

"Can't Wanda use her powers to find her?"

"She's still not comfortable using her powers, Steve."

"It's been thirty-three hours."

"Guys!" Sam's voice appeared on the comms. "I-I found her."

"Oh, God, it's not good."

The avengers rushed over to the site of the accident, arriving at the scene where your car was flipped over upside down.

"Oh my god." Wanda whispered.

Sam landed behind Steve, his head tilted downwards. "I saw her car... And then a truck ran a red, and the crash happened. Paramedics already took her to the hospital. The other guy died on impact-"

"Well he deserved it!"

"Steve, don't say that-"

"Yeah, this isn't you-"

"Well I don't give a damn!" He snapped. "He hurt my best friend, he deserves to die. I'm going to the hospital to see her."

He spun around, facing his team. "Let me through."

Not having the courage to face him, the team stepped out of his way, watching him walk out into the distance.

"She's gone."

"No, s-she can't be!"

"Natasha, I'm sorry, but she is."

"Oh my god. Where's Steve?"

"Doctor Cho's technology could save her."

"We'd need Tony."

"So be it."

Your death had basically brought the team together.

In the crash, you had broken your spine and a few ribs. Nerve paths had been broken, and spine fragments had made it's way into your heart and lungs, so it was impossible for doctors to revive you. However, Tony's technology and Doctor Cho's tissue regenerating science had removed the bone from your organs, repaired the nerve pathways, and created new bones for you.

The one downside... Was that you practically had to learn to do everything again.

From the waist down, you were nearly paralyzed, and you worked with Rhodey, who could now walk perfectly with his leg braces, to try and get back on your feet.

Steve was there every step of the way, just like you had always been for him, since the 1930's. When you fell, he would whisper encouraging words and help you back up, setting you against the rails.

The extreme difficulty broke you, and you became a drunkard, your room always dark and smelling of alcohol and sweat.

It broke Steve and everyone else to see you so... Torn.

You felt useless, and Sharon wasn't helping either.

She's always pass by the door when you were alone in the gym, and would wait until you fell to say, "Aww. Looks like the big bad (Y/N) can't walk any better than an infant."

She'd leave, and you'd break down crying right there, until someone found you unconscious the next morning.

Her harsh words, however, pushed you to get better, and show her that you were stronger than her. When you had gotten better and almost managed to walk across the entire gym floor without rails or stumbling, you decided to take a break, and sat in your wheelchair, wheeling yourself over to the kitchen, passing the rooms on the way.

Hearing an argument, you paused right behind a door.

"Steve, you've been ignoring me."

"I'm sorry, Sharon. It's just-" Steve sighed. "(Y/N) really needs the help right now. I can see it in her eyes. She's loosing hope."

"And you still can't spend time with your girlfriend?"

"Sharon, I-"

"Is she really worth more than me?! Do you care for her more? It's been eight months since the accident, Steve!"

"S-Sharon, what are you-"

"Answer me!"

"...No. You mean so much more to me."

"Good. She's useless anyways."

You bit your lip, holding back the tears. Eighty years meant nothing to him, apparently.

With your chin held high, you wheeled into your bedroom, which had been modified for your disability, and pushed the chair into the corner, falling flat on the bed.

You sat straight up on the bed, and carefully pushed yourself up, balancing on your feet.

Ignoring the tears streaming down your face from the sudden pain in your spine, you grabbed your phone off the nightstand, tying your hair into a high ponytail.

You walked out the door, stumbling once, the emotion in your mind masking the pain you felt, and managed to walk almost normally, except it was a little slower than you used to walk.

You finally made your way to the kitchen, where Rhodes was making himself a coffee, and his eyes widened at the sight of you.

"Whoa! What do you think you're doing, young lady?"

You shrugged, sitting down on a barstool. "Proving a point."

Rhodey glanced away for a moment, thinking, then nodded, pouring creamer into his mug. "Just don't strain yourself."

"I won't."

"Hey Rhodey, Hey- (Y/N)! Where's your wheelchair?!" Natasha dropped the letter she was reading.

"In my room. Hey, Natasha, can we start sparring? I want to get my skills back up to par."

After not receiving a response, you turned to her. "Hello? Earth to Natasha?"

"Um... Y-yeah. Sure. Wanda and I will help you."

You smiled, checking your phone. "Actually, I have nothing right now. Can we start?"


By hour three, you were back to kicking Natasha's ass, and the adrenaline pumping through your veins made you completely forget about the pain.

Steve came into the gym at that moment, wrapping his hands, not looking up. You could tell he was upset, as he always has this certain look on his face. That, and he clenched his jaw every few seconds.

"Hi, Natasha."

"Hey, Cap."

You used the distraction as a ticket to use your leg to kick her feet out from under her, causing Steve's head to snap up.

"I'm doing fine, Steve. Thanks for asking." You drawled out, leaning on the boxing ropes to give your back a rest as Natasha groaned on the mat.

"(Y/N)! How are you walking?"

You shrugged, a smirk coming on your face when Sharon walked into the gym, in a workout shirt and yoga pants.

"Just wanted to prove I'm not useless."

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