chapter 2

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perfect!... after class, i was gonna go up and talk to him but when i found him, he was surrounded by girls. My heart fell apart even though we haven't even talked. Then i noticed that he was looking at me. I just looked down insecure of myself. I noticed him pushing the girls out of the way to get to me. He made his way over to me and i looked up at him and he said, "hello, i'm Niall. What's your name?" he had the cutest voice! "m-melissa." i stumbled with my words. 'crap' "that's a pretty name."he said lifting my chin up and laying a kiss on my cheek. Then i noticed that i was getting the evil eye from all of the girls that were surrounding him. I just looked around, but Dylan caught me eye, He had tears in his eyes. I wonder why?? I tried to catch up with him, but i lost him...hmmm.

I eventually found him crying in a corner near his locker on the ground. "what's wrong Dylan?"i asked obviously worried." nothing!!! now go have fun with your new and improved boyfriend"he said with sass in my face. That hurt my feelings so eventually Dylan moved away and we stopped talking and I went into depression. But, then Niall's best friend came along and tried to cheer me up and I guess it worked cause now I feel somewhat better...

Oh, and I'm also dating Niall now!


(2 months ago)

Niall was walking beside me in the hallway as we went to third period and we were just talking. Then he just stops me from walking and asked if he could talk to my in a corner near by. I said sure so we went to the corner.

"Will you go out with me Melissa?"he asked happier than ever.

"Yess!!!!" I screamed and jumped up and kissed him on the lips for like a minute then he headed to third period and we were both late and got detention but we just say and stared at each other the whole hour!


"Hey, Melissa!" everyone said as I walked in with Niall at school. I had made my way up the list of popularity since I started dating Niall but that didn't change my still crappy life at home which still made me cut myself and I even had thoughts of suicide and no one knew. I attempted it one day....


( a few months ago)

My mom and dad had just told me to shut the f•ck up and slapped me when I didn't even talk. I ran to my room and pulled out my razor.i started to cut myself. then I got the brilliant idea of hanging myself, so I snuck out of my room without being noticed and grabbed a rope and snuck back to my room. I tied it around my neck and the other end to the top of my window. I was stepping on a chair considering that it was higher than I could reach and not noticing that my window was cracked I was about to kick the chair away.

"MELISSA!!!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?" I turned around and untied the rope from my neck and saw Jullian, Niall's best friend that comforts me when I'm eyes widened as I opened my window up more and jumped out considering my room is like five feet off the ground, and I ran up to him jumping into his arms and hugging him. I cried into the hug as I explained what I was doing and why.


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