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evie fairchild ↲

I was 19 when she showed up again.

I was in college and hadn't thought about her in ages, but I still recognised her the second I saw those blue eyes. There was a party going on and me and my friends were there. An electronic song was playing loudly throughout the entire house and everyone was either drunk or tipsy.

I was very drunk; so most of my memories of that night were gone, just the newspaper article from the next day about four people breaking into the campus library to steal some old history books.

However, I remember certain things. Like my ex-girlfriend making out with some guy and getting jealous and drunk. I remember the ginger girl I started dancing with to get back at my ex and I certainly remember Sara pulling me out of the house by my arm.

"What the fuck?" I screamed once Sara let me go.

"Go home or else you'll regret this night in a few years." Her voice was flat.

Mine was not. "You have no right to show up here and fuck me up! Are you gonna be nice to me and then in six years blow me off?" Alcohol and anger didn't really mix well and she clearly saw that.

"You were a kid and the place I was going in was nowhere fitted for a 12 year old." She was visibly fed up with the argument.

"I wanted to talk."

"I did not."

"Well, neither do I now so goodbye, Sara." Another song started blasting from inside the house and I tried to get back in while unconsciously moving my body to the rhythm.
Sara was having none of that as she pulled me back to her.

"I don't have time for this-"

"Neither do I." My stubbornness was at its peak.

"Evie, I need your help."

"There are about a hundred other people inside who could help."

"None of which are you." She placed her palms on my shoulders, keeping me still. I groaned loudly and she fought back a smile.

"What is it?"

"My friend and I, we need to get into the library. The only problem is that we don't have time to learn about its security system."

"And you want me to tell you how to get in." I swayed my head to the music. Dancing was all I wanted to do in that moment but I couldn't.
"What makes you think I know anything about the security there?"

Sara smirked.

And so I told her everything she needed to know and thinking back to that moment I can't believe that she actually understood what I was saying since your words were probably slurred. But she managed to get in and out accomplishing her goal and I saw that the next day in the papers.

Then her visits were more frequent.

She showed up when I was 21 and working at an antique shop, then at 24 while I was on a date at the Central City museum.


I don't own DC comics or CW, and their characters, storylines and plots.

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