Chapter 3: Secrets and Lies

Start from the beginning

Julie's eyes grew big. Did he just almost propose to me on Rory's behalf?

Lir cleared his throat. "I don't think that this is the time to be pushing her one way or another." He looked at her. "This is Rory's grandfather."

Her eyes opened wider. The man smiled at her.

"I'm glad to meet you...?" She didn't mean for it to be a question, but this was beyond awkward. Plus, Muirgen didn't look a day over forty. I guess Fey look young until they drop dead.

"So what about Luke then?" Marisol asked. Rory's grandfather glared at her. "He hasn't betrayed you. He could be a better choice."

Julie gulped. She had no idea what was going on. She felt like she was wading in an ocean of lies and only had Lir to hang onto. Not the most reliable life raft.

"Luke wiped my memories of him before I even got here. What gave him that right?"

"Yes, I think he was trying in a stupid way to protect you." Marisol said. Was she related to Luke? If so, Julie didn't see the resemblance. "It would be helpful if you could tell us which one you prefer. Which one you want to be with. It's causing some issues—"

Lir cleared his throat, and Marisol stopped talking.

Julie stared at all of them, dumbfounded. They wanted her to choose between Luke and Rory—now? Were they serious?

"I don't know what I want right now, except my dancing. I always want that. Geez, I'm still trying to deal with lightning shooting out of my fingertips."

Should she ask about the men with guns? Her mouth tightened. They would probably use it as an excuse to lock her up somewhere.

Kailen interrupted her thoughts. "Yes, I agree. Enough about that. We can sort through that later. No rush."

"Also, Rory swears he is stronger after the fight with Jamie and now Luke. He thinks she boosted his ability somehow," Muirgen said to Kailen. He didn't look mad now, just thoughtful.

Kailen's gaze returned to her. "Curious, I wonder if it's only with the people she connects with?"

"Hmmm, I better warn Luke." Marisol said.

They all looked at her, their eyes boring into her as if they were trying to dissect her. Julie wanted to strangle them. Now they were ignoring her and talking about her like she wasn't there.

Lir stood up. "Okay, we're done here. Let's all leave Julie alone to rest for a while."

"We are not done. We still need to know about Rory or Luke. She needs to choose," Rory's grandfather shot back. "We can't leave things hanging like this. The Forest Tribe is already sending a delegation. She is Rory's girlfriend. Let her just say so, and everyone else can just go away."

"Is she? I thought they were only talking after she caught him with Melissande," Marisol said, ignoring how angry she was making him. "She should have a chance to meet Luke. She should know her choices before making a decision."

Julie felt the little ball of anger inside her growing. She couldn't believe this. Now she had these two strangers fighting over who her boyfriend should be. And acting as if she would just go along with either of them.

"You're more concerned about politics than her." Muirgen's mouth screwed up. "Of course you want her to be with Luke. An alliance with the Forest Tribe would be good for you. Your family needs to let the past die. The rift happened centuries ago. Tribe sticks with Tribe"

Marisol shrugged. "Luke comes from a powerful line. It would be good for all of us to have more choices, more so than your family adding to its own talent pool."

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