Chapter 15: A Normal Island

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"We need to discuss the plan for your friends visit before school starts. As you know, humans aren't allowed here on the island. So we have to pretend we live somewhere else. We'll rent a place there, and make it into our home before they come."

Julie stared at Lir, trying to concentrate on his words. When she woke up this morning, she almost convinced herself that Rory coming to her was a dream. Until she saw all the purple flower petals sprinkled around her bed and the fist–sized hole in the wall. At least she had been able to move one of her posters to cover the hole.

It had been hard to get back to sleep, hoping he wouldn't sneak back in. That would have been a bit creepy. Staring at her while she slept, without her knowing he was there. What seemed romantic in a movie just seemed weird in real life.

Sometimes she was afraid Rory viewed her more as a possession than a person. Or was it more that she was a prize to be won? His family seemed to think that way. Sure, it ached to think about him and choose not to see him. But she felt that way about Luke too. He had to feel the same way Rory did, but he respected her space. Except for that whole wiping her memories thing. She was starting to understand that a little, not that she excused it.

Julie sighed. She barely knew him. How could she decide? He was a bit scary too. Didn't he do some kind of scary spy work? Had he killed people? She looked away, thinking about how he had easily whisked her through the hotel, through gunfire, as if he did that kind of thing often.

She took a deep breath, determined not to be ruled by these feelings. That was what she was fighting for—time to sort it all out. But could she do that if she didn't see them? Yet how could she think when she did?

This was the crap she wanted to avoid and why she didn't date before. She still had a dream to dance, but she wasn't sure how it would happen with everyone on the island and even Luke's tribe now involved. But she would make it happen. Her family were the only ones who knew her determination with this and didn't argue with her about it. She knew, even if she was still mad at him, that her dad was fighting to give her the time she wanted. She corrected herself. He was Lir, not her dad.

"Julie, are you listening?"

She focused on him sitting behind his large, polished desk in his home office. She rarely came in here, though she liked the comfy chair and books lining the walls.

Her friends' visit. Right. Much more exciting than Rory or Luke, she tried to convince herself. "This sounds complicated. How are we going to find something enough like this house for them to believe that, anyway?"

"I know, honey. Even if I could get permission for them to be here, we would have to wipe a lot of the memories. Do you want to do that? As it is, we may have to modify some."

"Is that really necessary?"

"I'm afraid that it has been ruled necessary." Lir frowned.

"Why do the elders have to butt into everything? Why can't they leave things alone?" Julie folded her arms. First her family, her head, then who should be her boyfriend, and now her friends. What was next?

"It's their job to protect everyone here." He held up a hand to stop her from interrupting. "I don't always agree with everything they do. You know that. But if we want to live here and train here, we don't have a choice. It's not like I'm an elder."

"But your mom is." She clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as she met his. He flinched. She didn't want to get involved with her dad and his family issues. She had issues of her own with him.

Lir nodded after a minute. "I'm aware. But you know I'm not talking to her. And you know why. A parent shouldn't do what she did."

Julie snorted. "Pot, this is kettle. You're black."

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