14. I Will Meet Him

Start from the beginning

She smiled a little and shyly looked away. "Wait, we're on a date?"

I stopped for a little and re-evaluated my words.

Had I said date? I said date, didn't I?

I shrugged. "Umm, yeah. I guess it is! Yeah, this is a date," I said and I saw her blush.

"Oh, okay!" She giggled. "I am on a date!"

"Yeah, we're on a date," I repeated again and scratched my head. "Wow. Shouldn't I have gotten you like...flowers, or something?"

She scoffed and playfully punched my arm. "Shut up, Liam. You wouldn't have to," she said and shyly smiled at me. "But...my dad. You're serious? You really want to talk to my dad about this?" She asked me.

I chuckled. "I'm serious. I wanna talk to your dad."

Her smile shrunk a little, and she looked down.

"St John's Cemetary," she whispered loud enough for me to hear.

I nodded. "Okay," I said quietly and typed it into the GPS. I shifted the gear and backed out of the parking space, knowing exactly what I was going to do.

June's P.O.V

I walked up the hill, with Liam, gripping the bouquet of flowers that we bought at the near by store.

The closer we got to my dad's resting place, the more the ache in my chest grew. It just did not feel good, knowing that my mother was on a date with some other guy that wasn't my father, and I would have to face his stone, knowing this information.

I took a deep breath as I saw his gravestone in the distance.

"Hey," Liam said, capturing my attention.

I looked up to meet his eyes.

He held out his hand and gave me a comforting smile. "You will be okay," he whispered.

I smiled back, and took his hand.

We approached his stone and knelt down beside it.

I wiped away the leaves that fell on it, and revealed his name.

Adam Henry Pledge

"Hi, dad!" I said shakily. "I've missed you a lot." I sniffled and let a tear fall. "I just want to introduce you to my friend-"

"Liam James Payne," he said for me. "It's an honor to meet you, sir."

"He's a member of that band I always tell you about," I added. "Can you believe how crazy that is? I mean...what are the odds?"

"Yes, the biggest boyband on the planet," he laughed softly. "Sir, I just want to say that I am a very big fan of that quote of yours. Only the best love comes to those who wait," he rold him, reciting the quote. "It's one of the main reasons why I started talking to your daughter, so thank you so much for that," he said happily.

I giggled and placed a hand on Liam's arm. "Liam really wanted to meet you, you know," I told my dad. "It was his idea to drive all the way over here."

He smiled and took my hand. "Yes it was, sir. But there's a reason why I came here to talk to you." He took a deep breath and shrugged. "Sir, I just want to say that...I really like your daughter."

I looked at him, shocked at his words, and he smiled.

"It's true," he nodded. "She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She's an amazing friend and supporter, and she is always looking at the bright side, even in the darkest of times," he continued as his eyes blazed into mine. "I believe that the world needs more people like her, because it lacks people who think and act the way she does. She makes me feel something that I have never felt for anyone. She's different." He turned back to my dad's stone. "Sir, you've done well raising her for the eleven years you've had with her. I know she and I just met a few weeks ago, but in that little time that I have known her, I realized..." he held my hand. "that I really like her... and sir, with your permission,  I'd really like to make her my girlfriend whenever she's ready," he said as he looked into my eyes.

I covered my mouth. "Did you just-"

He nodded. "I did," he grinned and looked at my dad's grave. "Mr. Pledge, I and falling in love with your daughter," he announced loudly.

I couldn't stop smiling at what was happening before me right now. Everything that I have ever dreamed of, came to life right at that very moment. What made it more special was the fact that he had done this in front of my dad.

Liam James Payne just asked me out.

This is like a fanfiction.

Then, I remembered the dream I had of Leeroy- er Liam. What if that conversation was really my dad talking to me? He knew that Liam was Leeroy, and he wanted to tell me that this entire time.

"Well, my dad would have loved you," I said. "I know his expectations, and believe it or not, you meet all of them."

Liam gave me that adorable half smile.

"Wait, I've only known you for-"

"A few days?" he finished. "I know..." he said with a sigh. "But you've known Leeroy for more. And he was me..."

I giggled. "Very true."

"So," he said. "Your dad happens to agree." He shrugged. "June, I know this might not be the right place to ask you this, but...you make me so happy. And I need that in my life...I need you in my life, June."

I held my breath in excitement.

"Forget the hate, forget the fame, forget the rumors. I am willing to battle them, but I can't battle them without you by my side. I feel something with you, June. I know you feel it too." he explained and slightly tightened the grip on my hand. "So...June Pledge, will you be my girlfriend?"

I bit my lip and thought about it for a little while, knowing that this was a big step to take.

"I'll defend you no matter what. Haters are not going to get in the way of us," he assured me.

I smiled and placed my hand on my heart. "I don't care about the haters," I told him. "Yes," I nodded. "Yes, Liam. I'll be your girlfriend."

"Yes?" he whispered. "Yes!" he wrapped his arms around me. "I can't believe this! You're all mine, now!"

I kept nodding in his arms. I was completely speechless.

He let go of the hug and turned to my dad. "Sir, I promise i will take care of June. I promise on my life."

I giggled. "Dad, you'll never believe how I met this one."

"We've got one heck of a story to tell," he said.

Although mt dad probably already knew how we met, we still shared our one heck of a story.


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