2. Patiently Waiting

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June's P.O.V

I was so eager to get out of my last class. Since it was the last day, everyone was acting like high schoolers again. They were literally throwing paper airplanes and trash around the classroom, like they were children.

What was wrong with them?

The professor wasn't even doing anything; hell, he was playing along, playing catch with the football students.

Here's to never growing up.

I rolled my eyes, smiling, feeling somewhat young again from all of the adult stress. I looked at my phone, and saw some notifications from twitter.

@no_one_you_know retweeted you

@liampayne_fan01: omg im so excited for the concert! @Payne_Reliever

@kzarelle retweeted you

@jb_united favorited your post

@unionj143: @Payne_Reliever obsessed much? Lol. I luv him too, don't worry ;)

@patiently0waiting followed you

@patiently0waiting favorited your post

@patiently0waiting favorited your post

@patiently0waiting retweeted you

@patiently0waiting retweeted you

A whole lot of retweets and favorites from some dude named @patiently0waiting, but nothing form Liam.

What did I expect?

He is a celebrity. He doesn't have time to reply to every fan mail that he gets from random fans. There are probably a lot of girls who are just like me; tweeting him everyday, messaging him good morning and goodnight, sending him unnecessary love quotes... That must really be annoying for him.

I feel really bad now.

But, I'll still tweet him anyway...just in case.

@Payne_Reliever 2:35PM

Waiting for the bell to ring. Then, summer time! c u at the concert! @Real_Liam_Payne

I took a deep breath and hit the tweet button.

As if he will care, my subconscious bit.

Why was I being so negative right now? I know that I am overreacting, but I felt like I would never get to meet him. I was really curious about this patiently0waiting guy, though. I clicked on the profile, and scrolled through it. There was no profile picture or background picture, whatsoever. I looked at the bio:

Just a random dude, surfing the Internet. 20. Single pringle... I like One Direction. Don't judge me, just because I'm a dude. Location: your dreams.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. This guy was weird, but he seemed pretty cool. All he ever tweeted was retweets from me, and a few of his own posts. I clicked on the follow button, and put my phone in my bag. A few more minutes, and I was homeward bound.

Liam's P.O.V

I made another twitter that no one will know that I have. The first person I followed was @Payne_Reliever, the guys, and a few random people who had a lot of followers, just so that I could fit in as another twitter member. I came up with this cool name, based off of @Payne_Reliever's post about me: @patiently0waiting.

Explanation: I am patiently waiting for the girl of my life to come. The only reason why I made it, is so that I can follow that girl. I looked at her bio:

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