Understand Your Own Deceit

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Name: I'm exhilarated as I travel towards my destination. I'd entered the High School at little after dawn, finding myself unusually early, I rounded to the student files stored within the principal's office. I saw that several of my younger subjects go to this run down school, but decided to start with the most powerful. I'd successfully concealed the student files within my bag and took an innocent seat in front of the principal's desk. When the man entered his room I was dumbfounded as to why he was so confused of my presence. Either way, we got past such an uncomfortable atmosphere as he directed me to the room in which my subject was located.

 It is from this room that I witness a very distressed gaggle of students running over each other to exit from the class. Their high pitched screaming echos through the halls as they scatter in different directions. One of the runts slams the door behind himself as he flees. They're obviously petrified of something residing within the room, and I don't exactly notice my subject sprinting away with the group. He must still be in there. 

 I sigh while cautiously making my over to the door and peer inside of the rectangular window provided. Immediately I notice a spatter of bright red against the drab mist of browns coloring the room. The large trail starts at the teacher's desk, where the struggle seemed to start. The large smears appear to be where the corpse was dragged to next. For I don't see the owner of this blood anywhere. 

 I take out my hand gun and slowly descend into the room. As I swung open the door, the overhead light flickers rapidly before regaining its focus. Unnerved, I look around. My eyes catch sight of someone in the front stretch of desks. Not just someone, two people. However, only one is still breathing. The other is splayed over the desk. Both the desk and the body of this broken teenage girl are doused in bright red blood. The female's shirt is torn open, bra barely covering her breasts- pants nearly indistinguishable from her shredded flesh...

 Her once bright blue eyes are now misted orbs of nothingness. They seem to stare at me, but of course...darkness must be their only view. The door slams shut behind me at once, the bang echoed throughout the room as I jumped at the noise. Next to this teen was another juvenile, looking like a juvenile himself. There isn't a speck of blood against him. This is no doubt my subject. He had been looking at the body before, but his eyes slowly flicker over to me. The orbs void of any brightness, a black vanity of depth. He had his hair tied back today, but a few strands of hair hang down into his face...

 The room around me suddenly feels endless and cold, as if the walls are moving in and out of my proximity. Despite what my body was telling me, I put away my hand gun and with ease asked my first question. He continues to look at me without an expression...but nonetheless answers.

 "My name is Salem." The teen says quietly, watching him, his lips don't seem to move much.

Age:  Salem seems to be studying me now. Even with this knowledge, I continue my inquiry while making my way over to the teacher's desk to take a seat upon it. 

 "I'm seventeen." He says without hesitation while his eyes follow my movement. I'm sitting on the desk now, ignoring what I knock over. Scribbling the short answer down, I look over at him again and open my mouth to speak.

Gender: Before any sound leaves my lips, I'm answered. 

 "Male," Salem mumbles as he gets up from his seat and smoothly jumps over the desk row. I now see some blood on his black jeans, but only out of the corner of my eye. I don't much mind the sight anyway and hold eye contact. This teen is elegant...very well balanced.

very well balanced

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