Sunshine in the Middle of Night

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Names: It was a long drive to this castle-looking mansion. The Favors' Household, one of the richest families along this district. Longer for the better, I guess. I make my way to the large doors and push through them without knocking. For these two, that gesture is useless. Once inside the large, warmed space, I gaze towards the two winding staircases. At first I wonder if they left for the academy already, but sure enough I spy two boys make their way down the right set of stairs. Immediately I notice one of the pair walks with more confidence than the other. 

 For this twin walks slightly behind the first, as if trying to hide behind his frame. A shadow, I recognize. Asking their names, I slightly smile to disarm my sudden arrival to their home. 

"Jean, as in Eugene Favors. I ask that you state your business before we answer anymore of your questions," the more confident looking twin answers me. It's of no surprise that he's the first to answer, and behind him I see the other male slightly smiling at me. Jean's voice is stiff and assertive, I notice. Even though both have pristine posture, it seems that the slightly shorter twin is trying to make himself disappear behind his brother. 

 "I'm Josh....that's short for Joshua..Joshua Favors..." I hear him say quietly while meeting my eyes, immediately I see a very trained pocket of innocence. I admire this quality for a moment, almost brightening my smile for him. However, I hear Jean clear his throat in a demand for my explanation.

Ages: The three of us sit in couches showcased by the stairs. In the middle of these expensive looking couches is a coffee table looking just as. I sit across from the pair and explain my business. Jean seems to be both annoyed and interested in my speech, I had observed that Josh settled very close to his twin and now it's interesting to see his fascination with a stuffed bear.  An eeriness falls into the air as I blink at this bear, I hadn't noticed it in his arms when they came down the staircase. Nor did I see it on his lap when we sat down. 

"Both of us are going to be turning sixteen in a few days," Jean answers me as I ask about their ages. The answer mystifies me, being that they've been said to be around longer than that. Josh nods, confirming his age with a small smile towards his bear. I have a hard time figuring out if he actually is making the actions towards me or not, once gazing at the bear again.

Genders: Josh gives a soft, delicate giggle at the start of my question, as if he knows what it's going to be, "both of us are male," he interrupts me again, but this time with his voice.

 It takes a moment but I see him giggling again, finding myself lost with the quiet tones and how he looks at his teddy bear- it's almost easy to miss him starting to speak again, "you know. If you really look, you can see Jean's bulge at times. Those pants fit him well," he finishes and my mouth had already opened slightly in surprise. 

 Well, I'll say that I couldn't miss such an innocent sounding voice saying such a perverted thing. My awe fades into an airy chuckle as Jean glances to his twin with a certain tinge of secret nature in his eyes. 


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