Who's got me now?

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"Christian!" I yelled at my twin hurrying him since he was taking so long.

"Ok Christina damn, you know I had to get fresh for Kiara incase she out." I laughed at that.

"Boy you are 14 and she is 17 meaning she dont want you." He smacked his lips and walked ahead of me to the door.

"Whatever lets just hurry up and go to the store before it gets dark."

We walked out of our small project building to the store on the corner. Mama only left us with $10 until who knows how long it'll be till she gets back.

When we got in the store I went up to the cash register asking the person for change to distract them while Christian puts the little stuff in his pockets. He brings the big stuff like milk and etc. to the counter so we can pay.

We walk out the store into the dirty neighborhood. I hate living in stratford. This is like the hood in the hood. Me and Christian have these plans that Im gonna be a professional model and he's gonna be ln the NBA so we can get outta here.

I know he can make it to because he's really good. The teachers are always telling how he' gonna be big someday. Even Mama says it, occasionally when she's home.

As were about to cross the street a black car pulls up and the window rolls down a little so that we cant see the person inside and they call Christian over.

"Shit!" He says and starts to walk closer to the car. I grab his hand and pull him back. He turns around and looks at me and I look in his eyes begging him not to go.

He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and lets go of it walking to the car. I have a really bad feeling so I cross my fingers praying nothing happens.

I hear some yelling at the car and the next thing happens so fast.

There's a loud gunshot and Christians body hits the ground and the car speeds off. I stand still for a few seconds. Frozen. Still processing what just happened.

Then as if everything finally makes sense I run to Christian's body crying and screaming. I pick his head up and cradle him screaming.

Some people see me and pat my back trying to comfort me while others are on their phone probably calling the police.

It seems like hours before The ambulance get here and get his body. I climb on the truck with him as they try to revive him. I hold his hand crying an praying to the man above to please not take the only thing I really have away from me.



That sound I prayed not to hear so bad. The sound of his heart dieing. My brother... My twin...my bestfriend..No

And thats exactly what I kept saying.

"No..no...no...no..noo" until I went into hysterics full out crying.

He's gone.

Who's got me now?

Who's gonna have my back?

Who's gonna protect me?

Nobody..I have nobody.. Nothing..

*flashback over*

I woke up fast with tears pouring out of my eyes.

Its been 3 years and I still have the same dream every night. Nobody knows what it feels like to have a piece of you taken until it really is. My brother was my everything. We did almost everything together and always had eachother's back.

After my brother died my mom stopped coming home even more. Can't she see that I need her? That I need to know somebody else loves me? ...like she would care.

After Christian died I stopped talking to mostly everybody. I dont say a word. What's there to say? My other half is gone. I have nothing to live for..

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