~2~How Can Three Little Words Be So Hard to Say?

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How Can Three Little Words Be So Hard to Say? Chapter 2

I tilted my face down a little so my straight bangs covered my eyes. How embarrassing! I shouldn't even be in the guys clothes section in the first place! What was really embarrassing was that we happened to be the same size!

"Here ya go, its okay." I looked up to see the cute guy holding the hoodie out to me. I hesitantly took it from his hands concentrating on making sure they didn't brush. That would've been just awkward...

"Are you sure?" I asked looking him in the eyes again. This guy was seriously going to make me weak in the knees with how gorgeous he was.

"Of course. Hey wait, have I seen you before?" He looked at me confused and even leaned in a little.

I shrugged. "Well I don't recall ever having met you before..." After I said this he leaned away. How old was this guy anyway... He didn't look like a junior....

"Hm. That's interesting. Anyway what are you doing over here?" He asked. That was one question I didn't feel like answering so I just shrugged again and tried to look innocent. It must have worked... "I didn't know guys could get so cute..." He smiled, winked, and took the hoodie out of my arms. What the heck was he gonna do? He walked over to the cash register and I quickly followed.

"Wait a second... no you don't! I can buy that myself!" I tried taking back the hoodie but his strong arms kept it locked in place.

"Just let me take care of it. Say what's your name?" He asked. I was still attempting and failing to grab the hoodie but it could reach the utterly confused cashier. The guys strong arm was holding me back with no effort whatsoever! He ended up paying for the thing and he handed me the bag it was put into.

"You still haven't told me your name." He said with a slight smirk on his face.

"I'm not giving my name to a total stranger!" I snapped back at the guy. Besides I didn't know his name either. I took the bag hesitantly and smiled. Oh. He was flirting. I can't believe I hadn't realized it until now. Sometimes I could be completely obtuse. But not obtuse enough to be totally incompetent. My smile grew a little larger than it was and he seemed to brighten too. I clutched the bag and tried to be a little more joyful.

"Well my name's Frankie and I wasn't done shopping."

"I can stick around 'til you're finished." he said with a smirk. I drew a sharp intake of breath. I admired him unsuspiciously for a few seconds. His black hair looked natural but he had put in subtle dirty blonde highlights. I could tell he was a little more punk because he had two snake bites on his bottom lip. His jaw was perfectly square with a cute prominent chin. He had deep, dark blue eyes that seemed to stare as though he could see right through you. His full lips were still upturned in a smirk.

"Well I'm not going to have a stranger following me around the store." I finally said to him. "Please tell me your name." I realized my "please" sounded a little wimpy and cutesy for me but I really didn't care as long as he looked completely oblivious to it.

"Oh yeah," He broke out of his smirk and held his hand out for me. "I'm Tyler." I hesitantly took his hand to shake it but instantly regretted because he pulled me into the tightest bear hug of my life. Geez! I thought this guy was supposed to be Emo for crying out loud. Sure he had the look, but he definitely wasn't acting the part. He patted me on the back which made me laugh and then set me down.

"That is how I introduce myself." He said bluntly. I like this guy...I thought to myself while smiling.

I finished shopping. To avoid embarrassment, I shopped in the women's section half heartedly. This was torture! Why did all the girl's shirts half to be so skin tight! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to breathe. I think Tyler saw my disgust and ended up showing me to bag- NOT a purse- that was in the shape of a boom box. Tyler seemed to be more in love with it than I was. The coolest part was that the bag was an actual speaker system. I just had to plug in my mp3. I finished shopping and ended up with a bag, a pair of skinny jeans with skulls up the side (something I would probably never end up wearing), a pair of orange and white Van's, and a Daft Punk Tee. I was about to walk up to the cashier when Tyler pulled me around.

"No. You have to wait. Before you can pay you need to try those jeans on." He said with another one of his smirks.

WHAT?! No way was I going to try jeans on in front of Tyler! I just met the guy! But Tyler pushed me toward the dressing rooms as I tried to claw my way out of the situation. I gave up half way there. My thin limp arms were no match for his strong toned ones. He pushed the jeans into my hand while he held the rest of my unpurchased clothes. I lowered my head and proceeded to one of the changing stalls. He nudged me in and shut the door. I quickly locked it just in case and started to take off my baggy pants. I groaned as I slid into the skinny jeans. Tyler heard and called out, "Stop being a crybaby. It could have been worse..."

I was still struggling when I called back, "How?" Anyone could hear the strain in my voice.

"I could have dragged you to Abercrombie..." He paused, "On second thought..." I didn't let him finish his sentence out of both dread and anger.

"You make me take one foot in that store and you'll seriously regret it!" I said through my teeth. Of course he didn't take me seriously. And I could totally hear his smirk.

"Yes, you, who couldn't even stop me from buying that sweatshirt." My shoulders slumped in defeat and I almost forgot my jeans were half way on. "Are you finished with those jeans Frankie?" Tyler said and I remembered. Pulling them on up to my hips I zipped and buttoned them up. I dreaded opening that door but I did it anyway. I stepped out and even did a little spin for him. The jeans felt extremely tight and I wasn't too comfortable. To tell the truth, I didn't like them. The only thing I remotely found enticing was the tiny skulls lining the side of my right leg. I bit my lip and was thinking terrible thoughts about the jeans when I looked up to Tyler's face. His features were stiff and showed no emotion whatsoever except that his eyes were a little wider than normal.

I knew he hated them too. I hung my head and muttered, "I'm just gonna put my regular pants on. Silence. I closed the stall door. Silence. I slipped on my original cargos on and opened the door again. Silence. Okay this was getting insulting, I know they didn't look that bad... "Tyler?" I poked him in the shoulder. That seemed to get him out of whatever trance he was in.

"Oh. Yeah?" He stuttered.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Uh huh..." He was acting weird so I decided to buy the clothes while he just tagged along like a lost puppy. I paid for everything except the jeans which I hung back on a random hanger. I said a quick and awkward goodbye to Tyler. Unhappy to leave the most beautiful boy I had ever met, I gave him a quick hug and thank you before shuffling out the door of Zumie's.


I am contemplating a Tyler POV. What do you think? Tell me please!! Thanks :) ~ ♥SynthisB

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