Chapter 2

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Chris's POV

I wanted to go look around in the new school I was in but I had to go to the principle's office.... But still.... Oh well, I'll go later on.

I'll just lay under a tree in the forest for awhile since school starts in about 30 minutes. After 3 minutes I got bored and sleepy.


'Yes Chris?'

'Are you mad at me still?'

'....' Tae didn't reply

'I'm sorry....'

'It's okay, everyone makes mistakes. We'll see her again'

'Okay and Tae?'

'Yes Chris?' She said

'Thanks for being with me all the time, I mean it' I said while smiling

She just laughed 'You should get ready for school, kids are near.'

'Fine' I got up and brushed the leaves off of my clothes

I got my bag and went to the principle's office. The funny thing is, that the principle is my aunt, who was also a werewolf like us. Did I tell you that werewolves that aren't related to us by blood also need jobs and work for their food at our mansion?

But auntie Grace doesn't have to work, she just wants to spend her time as a principle.

I went into the office and hugged auntie Grace.

"Hey my little niece! Long time no see!"

"Hi auntie Grace how's work?"

"It's going well, tell your mother I said hi when you get home okay?"

"Okay but you live with us, why can't you say it to her yourself?" I asked curiously

"I'm lazy" was all she said

I laughed "Anyways, I'll tell her. And also can I have my schedule auntie?"

"Oh, right! Here's your schedule and some stuff you need for stuff"

"Okay thanks and can someone show me around school?"

"Sure! Boy or girl?" She said playfully. She also knows I'm a lesbian. Actually the whole family knows

"Girl cause I hate it when boys hit on me. It's annoying and ma-" she cut me off

"Okay I understand now I'll call someone up to help you just wait outside."

I said thanks and hugged her and left.

I sat down on a chair outside of the office and waited.

"Kate Hope, please come to the principle's office. Kate Hope, please come to the principle's office." Auntie Grace said through the speakers.

After 5 minutes I smell strawberries and Tae was going crazy again. I turned around to see who it is and saw the girl from the forest.

'Mate, mate, mate' she kept barking but I told her to calm down and be quiet.

She went to the office and I saw auntie Grace and her come out.

"Kate I want you to show her around the school okay?" Grace said.

She nodded and said bye

Grace winked at me while I just stared at her until she was gone.

So her name was Kate Hope huh.

Tae wanted control but I didn't let her.

"Hey my name is Christina Wolfe, and your name was Kate Hope right?" I asked while sticking my hand out

She backed away. Did she know I'm the wolf she saw earlier?

But then she nodded. I guess she doesn't like it when people are near her. Makes me want her more. I gotta make her mine.

'You mean "ours", don't forget about me.' Tae said

'Yea yea'

"So are you gonna show me around or stay away from me?" I said to Kate

She nodded. She has to speak to me sooner or later. The first place we went to was the cafeteria. It was huge, I mean HUGE. I can eat everything here.

I heard someone laugh and I turned around to see Kate laughing. I smiled

"What so funny?" I said poking her

"You're drooling" she said quietly while laughing

"Oh..... Sorry" I laughed with her while wiping off my drool.

"It's okay" she said

"You should smile more, you look cute when you smile." I said

She blushed and looked away. Cute.

I'm guessing she opened up a little to me.

The next place we went to was the library. I'm guessing the library was her favorite place since she was reading a book in the forest.

"You like reading books?" I asked

"Yea, I love them."

We then went to the gym which was my favorite. The gym was also huge there were soo many equipment. I'm gonna love this school.

After Kate showed me everything, I asked Kate what classes does she have and she showed me. I compared my schedule with hers and saw that we have all the classes together. Tae and I were excited.

While we were walking down the hallway since we still got about 10 minutes, a group of girls came down the hallway. I'm guessing they're the popular girls. When they were near, Kate stiffened. One of the girls came up to us and raised her hand as if she wanted to hit the books out of Kate's hand, but instead, I grabbed her arm and threw her arm back.

Sorry for the cliffhanger. Hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading this short update.


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